organizational culture

Сhange of Interaction «Organization – the Person» in the New Model Organizational Behavior

The changes in the external and internal environment of the organization, the emergence of new organizations, new management paradigms and knowledge of human behavior necessitates the development and practical implementation of new models of organizational behavior. In a dynamic external environment can be effective organizations applying new behaviors that have changed the nature of the interaction «organization – the person» and «organization – the environment». Theoretical analysis. Оn the basis of summarizing the existing theoretical studies on the economic behavior of the organization in the article defined the behavior of the organization in an uncertain market environment, revealed its contents, system factors, as is the new models of organizational behavior is the organizational culture. Discussion of results. Result of the conducted research is identification the characteristics of the interaction of «organization – the person» in the new models of organizational behavior, which involves not only and not so much the implementation of the physical abilities of workers, as the realization of their personal qualities, intelligence, creativity and mental strength. In the new models of behavior is formed organizational culture, people-oriented, the basic values which are egalitarianism and respect for the individual, mutual trust, team work, organization development through personal development that enables an organization to survive in the long term.

The Mechanism of Formation of Labor Motivation of Employees

Introduction. The system of motivation of employees, based on the system of personnel management and organizational culture needs to involve personnel potential of the enterprises in the decision of key problems of development of economy and society. In the context of modernization of production and the need to expand the practice of innovative projects increases the importance of creating an established mechanism of formation of labor motivation of workers in enterprises.

Theoretical analysis. The purpose of the paper is the identification of the factors that affect the labor motivation of workers in modern conditions most. In the study of the formation of labor motivation factor analysis was applied. Factor analysis as a method of research allows to determine the relationship and interdependence of the elements of the personnel management system with the production management system in the enterprise in terms of more complete involvement of employees.

Result. The article presents the mechanism of formation of labor motivation of employees of the enterprise as a factor of increase of competitiveness of the enterprise. The duality of perception of the motivation system by the employee and the enterprise is manifested in different attitudes to the motives and incentives of work, evaluation and results of work, values of organizational culture. The duality of perception is taken into account in the author’s mechanism of formation of labor motivation of personnel. Conclusion. Joint development allows to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise and labor productivity.


Introduction. One of the modern trends in the development of management and organizational behavior are the focus on the human factor, the personality, as a key resource of the organization and the strengthening of social and humanistic management orientation. In connection with this organization, operating in an uncertain environment should solve problems hindering the efficient use of human resources and the creation of favorable conditions for the development and realization of the potential of every employee of the organization, resulting in an increase in the importance of social components of management: organizational culture, social justice for workers, management ethics, organizational socialization, social activity of the individual, the social responsibility of organizations. The article examines the place and role of socialization in human resource management system in the new model of organizational behavior. Theoretical analysis. On the basis of generalization of existing theoretical research on socialization in the article given the definition of organizational socialization, disclosed its immediate and ultimate goals are formulated functions are considered stages of socialization and the problem of deviant behavior of staff. Results. It was found that the effective socialization of the person in the new model of organizational behavior must form not only member of the organization, but also its citizen, a patriot who possessed not only the necessary knowledge, skills, roles, norms and rules of conduct, but also aware of their duties and responsibilities for the decision organizational problems and binds its further development and career with work in the organization.