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Сахненко В. М., Левина А. В. Process Approach in Providing Municipal Educational Institution of Hot Meals. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 4, pp. 434-?. DOI:

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Process Approach in Providing Municipal Educational Institution of Hot Meals

Introduction. The urgency of studying the issues of management approaches to ensure that the process of providing municipal educational institutions of hot food is a serious organizational problems and imbalances in the financing of this sector. Theoretical analysis. The process of studying the municipal educational institutions hot meals analyzed through the prism of management solutions and the outsourcing concept to define requirements for the data management process, refining his manager and participants in the process, their role and influence on its effectiveness. The article describes the disadvantages occurring in the management process to ensure students of municipal educational institutions with hot meals. Results. Formulated the following principles: a systematic approach and the primacy of the documents, transparency, fairness and accessibility of information, the participation of independent representatives, consolidated responsibility for the development of the material base, the real evaluation of diners using quality satisfaction scorecard, the dynamics of sales and attendance, the number and seriousness of control observations aimed at improving the management process to ensure that students of educational institutions of municipal hot meals.


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