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Minat V. N. Public-private partnerships in US innovation . Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2021, vol. 21, iss. 4, pp. 380-391. DOI:

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Public-private partnerships in US innovation

Introduction. The subject of the research is public-private partnership (PPP), which contributes, through funding and incentives, to the spatial development of innovation in the United States. As an economic phenomenon, PPP is seen as an effective mechanism for integrating investors, business (primarily venture capital) and the state aimed at implementing the innovation process at the meso-spatial level – states and regions (subregions) of the United States – within the framework of regional innovation systems (RIS), contributing to territorial differentiation. Theoretical analysis reveals the factors and mechanisms of public-private interaction in the space of the corresponding RIS states and sub-regions of the country, characterized by the institutional and functional role of American forms of PPP in the implementation of innovative projects at the regional level. A hypothesis is formulated about the heterogeneity and unevenness of the united innovation space in the United States, one of the foundations of which is the differential nature of state financing of innovation activities at the regional level. Empirical analysis. A correlation is shown between indicative indicators reflecting the level of innovative potential and characterizing the innovative activity of the RIS of the states and subregions of the United States as a whole, on the one hand, and the degree of development of the innovative potential of PPP within the RIS of the corresponding territory, on the other hand. The carried out typological grouping of RIS states based on the lognormal distribution reflects the statistical commonality of the analyzed indicators. Results. Based on the available values of the indices characterizing the innovation activity of the RIS of specific states and subregions of the United States, as well as the calculation of integral indicators that make it possible to assess the interaction of PPP subjects, which are at the same time the institutional and functional elements of the corresponding RIS, a hypothetical statement about the unevenness of the US innovative development has been confirmed. In this case, the territorial differentiation of innovation in the United States and its impact on the spatial aspect of the development of an innovative economy, and, consequently, on economic growth, is determined by the intensity of the use of innovative potential by forms of PPP, which involves proactive financing and stimulation of innovative business projects at the expense of budgetary funds in the RIS of specific groups of states and sub-regions of the United States.

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