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Юсупов К. Н., Янгиров А. В., Ахунов Р. Р., Токтамышева Ю. С. Quality of Investment as a Factor of Reproductive Potential and Competitiveness of the Region . Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 1, pp. 19-28. DOI:

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Quality of Investment as a Factor of Reproductive Potential and Competitiveness of the Region

Introduction. Further successful development of the Russian regions should be based on the strategy of modernization. Identification of the main problems of economic development of regions, especially investment, should be an important stage in the construction of this strategy. The methodology and results of the study is analysis of the extent and dynamics of indicators of investment activity in the regions, as well as the assessment of the level and quality of the use of the most important elements of their reproductive capacity required in determining the degree of implementation of the strategy of modernization. Theoretical analysis. The process for determining the effectiveness of investment activity at the regional level offered, and the rating of regions of the Russian Federation on key indicators of return on investment is made. Discussion of the results. The study found that some regions, occupying relatively high positions in the main macroeconomic indicators of gross product, have a number of problems in its investment development. Obstacle to the modernization of the economy of the Russian regions is their under- investment. As a guide the long-term development must be put as a goal to achieve and exceed the national average values. Also some measures the effective implementation of the reproductive potential of the regions offered.


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