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Lapin A. E., Makeeva V. А. Rating Appraisal of Investment Attractiveness of the Region (on the Materials of the Ulyanovsk Region). Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 398-403. DOI:

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Rating Appraisal of Investment Attractiveness of the Region (on the Materials of the Ulyanovsk Region)

Investment attractiveness is a system or a combination of various objective features, facilities, causing the potential payments in the aggregate demand for investment in the region forms of two components: investment potential and investment risk. The article is devoted to the evaluation of the investment attractiveness of region (for example Ulyanovsk area). The main vector of this evaluation was the analysis of region’s position in the rating of investment attractiveness. Analysis. Authors on the basis of research by the rating agency «Expert RA» by subjects of the Russian Federation analyzed the regions position of the Volga Federal District in the investment potential and investment risk since 2005 to 2011, identified the regions as leaders and outsiders, focusing on the variation of factors of potential and risk «regions-competitors» of Ulyanovsk region. The study of regions positions of the Volga Federal District according to Rosstat ranking of the capital investments per capita allowed us to subdivide regions into four groups depending on changes in existing positions after the crisis of 2008–2009. Besides the article briefly describes two other rankings: Forbes rating of the best regions for Business which included six regions of the Volga Federal District and the «RIA-Analysis» ranking of regions by dynamic of investment in human capital. In paper made a detailed analysis of the dynamics of the factors of the investment potential and risk of the Ulyanovsk region. Conclusions. Without changes in the structure and quality of investment in the Ulyanovsk region in the direction of creating high-tech jobs and improve the quality of the energetic use of labor, its competencies, skills, knowledge, ability to hold conquered positions will be lost in the medium term.

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