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Tregubov V. N. Research of Synchronization in Different Functional Areas of Logistics. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 3, pp. 292-300. DOI:

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Research of Synchronization in Different Functional Areas of Logistics

Introduction. Synchronization in logistics can be considered in two ways: as synchronization due to external coordination influence and as synchronization based on self-organization of processes due to weak information interactions. These types of synchronization should be separated, their peculiarities and mechanisms of origin should be understood. For this purpose, the approaches to studying synchronization in logistics systems are analyzed. Theoretical analysis. An important factor that determines the mechanisms of synchronization is the functional area in which the logistic process takes place. The article describes features of synchronization for three functional areas: production, distribution and supply logistics. These tasks related to management in different functional areas where we systematized some concepts of synchronization methodology, and the type of models used. Empirical analysis. The quality information support to achieve synchronization requires additional material costs. It is possible to formulate the optimization task of ensuring synchronization in the inventory management system. The essence of this task that it is necessary to establish the optimal level of costs for providing synchronization. At the same time, it should be considered that achieving synchronization of flows through their adaptation requires additional costs associated with improving the quality of information services and adaptive management. Results. It is proved that the functional area of logistics is an important factor of synchronization. Based on the analysis of existing synchronization methods in different functional areas, criteria and goals of synchronization we established some relevant methods for each functional area and described models.

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