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Шалаев А. В. Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Freedoms in the Constitutions and Legislation of Foreign States. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 4, pp. 685-694. DOI:

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Sexual and Reproductive Rights and Freedoms in the Constitutions and Legislation of Foreign States

Introduction. The United Nations and the World Health Organization are completing the formation of an international system of sexual and reproductive rights and freedoms, carrying out the implementation provisions of this system into national law. The ongoing process obeys to a number of general rules, whose analysis is carried out in this article. Object. Universal patterns in the development of sexual and reproductive rights and freedoms, using as illustrations of this development the constitutions and the laws of India, Switzerland and Gabon. Results. The author analyzes the constitutional establishment and regulation of sexual and reproductive rights and freedoms in the studied countries. The studied countries are located at different stages of the process of achieving the highest possible level of compliance and protection of sexual and reproductive rights and freedoms. Conclusion. The process of achieving the highest possible level of compliance and the protection of sexual and reproductive rights and freedoms proceeds inductively. The article presents a model of this process.


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