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Derunova E. A., Firsova A. A. Study of Consumer Behavior in the Selection of High-tech Products at the Regional Level. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 342-347. DOI:

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Study of Consumer Behavior in the Selection of High-tech Products at the Regional Level

In the article the necessity of studying the behavior of the individual in selecting high-tech products, the output market innovation community. We propose an interdisciplinary approach to the study of consumer behavior in selecting high-tech products that appear on the market an innovative community at the junction of marketing, psychology, neurobiology. Theoretical analysis. The approaches to model the decision to purchase – as a consumer is able to make a purchase decision and how it takes on reality, systematized and classified the factors influencing its choice on the basis of regional differentiation of incomes. Results. Based on modeling and forecasting the demand for high-tech products between the patterns of influence on the human mind and the decision to purchase high-tech products.

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