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Горячева Т. В. System Analysis of Environmental Factors in the Operation of Logistics System. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 1, pp. 49-56. DOI:

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System Analysis of Environmental Factors in the Operation of Logistics System

Introduction. The growing uncertainty of the business environment, increased business risks requires search methods and mechanisms of control destabilizing factors influencing the level of achievement of the purposes of the logistics system and the achievement of its resulting indicators within the established setting, which is particularly important to enhance the operation of complex systems. Theoretical analysis. During the operation of the logistics system should be achieved stability, efficiency and competitiveness of its most desirable state. The objective function of this process is to increase the strategic economic potential of the system, which in turn is the basis for sustainable optimal functioning logistics system in a constantly changing environment. Change of medium components can reduce the likelihood of achieving the established logistics system settings and requires the construction of a control system destabilizing factors and to develop a mechanism of adaptive their management. Logistics management process of neutralization of disturbances is a clear identification of signals of the environment and the development of adaptive control actions can reduce the negative impact on the resulting performance logistics system, improve the accuracy of prediction of its parameters and reduce the risks of industrial and economic activity. Results. The result of applying the proposed model adaptive control mechanism for environmental factors logistics system is to achieve the highest possible system performance predictability, instant tracking signal for possible changes and the development of true management actions to neutralize the destabilizing factors of the environment.


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