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Зубрилин И. Н., Сидорова Е. Ю. The Content of the Mechanism of Implementation and Development of Corporate Governance in the Socio-economic System. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 3, pp. 552-559. DOI:

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The Content of the Mechanism of Implementation and Development of Corporate Governance in the Socio-economic System

Introduction. In modern conditions the increase in the number of domestic companies, introducing elements of corporate governance in practice its activities, aims consideration of the mechanism of its formation and development. Theoretical analysis. The article presents a detailed characterization of the mechanism of development and implementation of corporate governance in the socio economic system of industrial organization. Marked features and target bases its components: mechanism for management of corporate insurance management mechanism the distribution of the corporate order, control mechanism of corporate taxation, corporate governance mechanism pricing mechanism management information security management mechanism of corporate resource sharing mechanism management of corporate culture, mechanism of corporate Finance. Results. Emphasizes the role of the mechanism of implementation and development of corporate governance in maintaining the balance of interests of different stakeholders.


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