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Deputatova L. N., Mingaleva Z. A., Starkov Y. V. The Mechanism of Formation of Labor Motivation of Employees. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 4, pp. 401-406. DOI:
The Mechanism of Formation of Labor Motivation of Employees
Introduction. The system of motivation of employees, based on the system of personnel management and organizational culture needs to involve personnel potential of the enterprises in the decision of key problems of development of economy and society. In the context of modernization of production and the need to expand the practice of innovative projects increases the importance of creating an established mechanism of formation of labor motivation of workers in enterprises.
Theoretical analysis. The purpose of the paper is the identification of the factors that affect the labor motivation of workers in modern conditions most. In the study of the formation of labor motivation factor analysis was applied. Factor analysis as a method of research allows to determine the relationship and interdependence of the elements of the personnel management system with the production management system in the enterprise in terms of more complete involvement of employees.
Result. The article presents the mechanism of formation of labor motivation of employees of the enterprise as a factor of increase of competitiveness of the enterprise. The duality of perception of the motivation system by the employee and the enterprise is manifested in different attitudes to the motives and incentives of work, evaluation and results of work, values of organizational culture. The duality of perception is taken into account in the author’s mechanism of formation of labor motivation of personnel. Conclusion. Joint development allows to increase the competitiveness of the enterprise and labor productivity.
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