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Lisyutkin A. B., Arkhipova E. Y. The Normative Bases of Legalization of Non Jurisdictional Process. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 3, pp. 338-?. DOI:

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The Normative Bases of Legalization of Non Jurisdictional Process

Introduction. Globalization and regionalizations of social and economic communications caused contradictory changes in legal system of the Russian Federation. It is receive an ambiguous assessment in legal science and practice. So there is an introduction of not traditional categories for jurisprudence in legal practice, one of which is non jurisdictional process. Theoretical analysis. The formation of the concept of the normative bases of non jurisdictional process will promote detection of dependences between rules of legislation and its practice. The materialization of non jurisdictional process can be carried out in borders of realization of the right. It is possible because of indirect legal fixing in the legislation. Therefore legitimate interests of owners are limits of legalization of non jurisdictional process. Non jurisdictional forms of ensuring the rights and legitimate interests are applied in the international and state public and private law. Therefore, the object of analysis is different legal acts. Conclusion. This analysis allows to claim that the legislation of Russian Federation contains the provisions allowing and providing legalization of non jurisdictional process in legal system of the Russian Federation. It plays a role of the normative bases of introduction of non jurisdictional process legal practice. Legal rules are allow to consider the non jurisdictional process as one of components of the mechanism of ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of the person. In this sense the problem of not jurisdictional process is interdisciplinary.


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