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Bocharova E. V., Semenov A. S. To the Question of Competitiveness and Safety of AIC and Social Space of Rural Territories. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 1, pp. 64-?. DOI:

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To the Question of Competitiveness and Safety of AIC and Social Space of Rural Territories

Introduction. Providing of safety and competitiveness of Russian AIC and rural territories depends on steady development of social space. Theoretical analysis. The result of the research is the application of the new mechanisms of the strategic regulation and control. Empirical analysis. Strong asymmetry in the level of development of the AIC and rural territories of regions requires taking into account the specifics of spatial development and the corresponding concretization of management decisions to remove acute asymmetries. Results. It justifies a number of actions required for decisions in the framework of the concept of systemic change, social space AIC, his security and competitiveness of state agricultural policy. Measures are proposed to activate the factors of self-development of problem rural territories in the framework of the model of their polarized development. Proposed principles for developing a new agricultural policy. Тhe most important provision of security and the competitiveness of the social space of the AIC and rural territories is the achievement of social and territorial justice.


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