
State Legal Regulation of Foreign Economic Activities in the System of Legal Policy Means

This article is devoted to means of Russian legal policy in the sphere of foreign economic activities. Approaches to defining legal policy means are considered in the article, as well as classification of measures of foreign economic activities state legal regulation is pointed out. 

Technological Modernization as a Driver of Development of the Russian Federation

The article deals with the pressing economic problems, macroeconomic conditions and controls that ensure the dynamic development of a national industrial and technological modernization of the economy the Russian Federation.

The Development of Modern Market-based Instruments as a Basis for Improving the Competitiveness of Road Transport Services

In article modern position of a transport complex of Russian Federation is considered and the classification of market tools providing increase of competitiveness motor transportation mustache-meadow is proved. Necessity of optimum use of various market instrument tools with a view of maintenance and effective functioning, both the separate motor transportation enterprise, and motor transportation system as a whole is proved.

Prospects of Venture Investment Development in Russia

Introduction. At the Russian economy’s transition to innovative development, the question of its investment mechanism is very important. Venture investment is most promising in this case. For Russia, venture investment is a rather new tool and, therefore, market mechanisms are introduced with great difficulties. Tasks and methods. To observe the current situation and the causes thereof; to detect the existence of a link between innovative development and the usage of the venture investment mechanism. Theoretical methods (analysis, synthesis, modeling, logical and system approaches, deduction, and induction) and empirical methods (observation, measurement, and comparison) were used. Results: the causes of the slow introduction of venture investment into the Russian economy were recognized; an idea of strengthening the links between innovative development and market investment mechanisms was developed. In particular, a conclusion was made that using venture investment would allow implementing developer projects as well as innovative ones. Such investments would allow companies to develop much quicker. It has impact on the regional and national development, on the increase of well-being, and on the unemployment rate decrease. Conclusion. Thus, the use of venture funds would allow turning to the innovative model of development, but the state support is necessary at the early stages of venture financing. For increasing the Russian economy’s competitiveness at this stage, it is recommended to address venture investments to a limited number of critical technologies.

Modeling the dynamics of regional competitiveness risks

Introduction. To determine the strategic directions of regional development to increase competitiveness, it is necessary to rely on a systematic analysis of factors and risks, to use modern mathematical modeling tools. To construct dynamic models for assessing the risks of competitiveness, an approach based on the systems of Kolmogorov – Chapman diff erential equations for Markov processes is applied. Theoretical analysis. The article examines the method of applying the logical-probabilistic approach to assessing the risks of regional competitiveness. Empirical analysis. For a comparative assessment of the risks of competitiveness at the stage of preliminary data processing, cluster analysis was applied using a modifi ed k-means method. Based on the hierarchical system of regional competitiveness risks, the system of Kolmogorov – Chapman equations is formed. Dynamic assessment of competitiveness risks was carried out for three basic scenarios. Results. For a selected cluster of 33 Russian regions corresponding to a high level of socio-economic development, predictive estimates of the probabilities of critical events associated with risks of competitiveness were obtained using the example of a separate section. For optimistic, pessimistic and realistic scenarios, numerical assessments of competitiveness risks are obtained for various combinations of critical events. This made it possible to rank the regions by the probability of a decrease in the competitiveness of the regions in the medium term.

Competitiveness: Conceptual approaches and research levels

Introduction. Currently, the term “competitiveness” is firmly established in scientific literature and professional usage. It has become the subject of various methodological, theoretical and applied research. In literature, one can find different approaches to analyzing the problems of economic content of competitiveness. This is primarily due to the fact that as the market economy developed, the very category of “competitiveness” was interpreted by scientists basing on their own understanding of the current situation, the purpose and objectives of the study. This led to its overly wide use, when the concept of competitiveness was often not applied in its essence. Therefore, the relevance of this study is obvious. Theoretical analysis. The article summarizes various conceptual approaches used in economic science in the study of the category of “competitiveness”. Results. The concept of the “competitiveness” category is clarified, the levels of competitiveness research are considered, and their relationship is shown.

Priorities and Mechanisms for Managing the Interbranch Structure of the Agri-Food Complex

Introduction. In managing the competitive advantages of the agri-food complex, the study of the structural modernization of the agri-food complex on the basis of taking into account the levels of risks and the uncertainties of the economic situation that determine the possible boundaries of the use of regulatory measures is of particular importance. An interdisciplinary approach to the analysis and prediction of the structure of the complex opens up new possibilities for research, taking into account the relationships and interactions of all its elements. Theoretical analysis. The quality of the economic dynamics of the complex and its compliance with the long-term development goals of the Russian economy are evaluated. Trends in the interbranch structure, and priorities of state support have been revealed. Empirical analysis. The results of import substitution in the agri-food complex have been analyzed. The factors and structure of its growth have been revealed. The interbranch structure of the participation of various stages of its product chains in the production of total value added has been estimated. The stability of the local production systems of the complex has been characterized. Consumption growth is considered as an independent driver of the economic growth of the complex. The influence of the dynamics and structural parameters of investments has been analyzed. Results. It has been proved that structural balance largely determines the competitive stability of the development of the agri-food complex as a diversified system. Based on the interbranch analysis, new directions of development of the structure of the complex have been identified, directions of its state support have been clarified. Priorities of the foreign trade policy of the complex have been determined.

Modern Condition and Prospects of Development of Remote Service in the Banking Industry

Introduction. The purpose of this article is to assess and identify prospects for the development of remote services in the banking industry, using the criteria for evaluating banking activities. Theoretical analysis. In the process of analyzing the remote banking services’ level of development, methods of logical and statistical analysis were used. Using these methods, the authors rank the activities of commercial banks. Empirical analysis. For a more detailed analysis of the bank’s activities, criteria for evaluating remote services are needed, which reflect all aspects of its work. The logic of its application is reflected in the developed algorithm for applying the mechanism for assessing quantitative and qualitative indicators of the bank. In the context of global digital transformation, the transition to Internet technology, one cannot but consider the level of remote servicing of the banking industry. An analysis of existing methods for assessing the banking sector revealed the problem of the lack of indicators to identify the level of distance services, their quality and quantity. Taking the existing methods as a basis, and eliminating the common disadvantages, the author created a number of factors with which you can evaluate the distance services of commercial banks. Results. Based on the results obtained, a methodology was developed to assess the effectiveness of the remote banking services’ level by qualitative and quantitative indicators. The quality indicators include convenience, accessibility, profitability, diversity and productivity of electronic services. The quantitative indicators include the number of customers of remote banking services, the number of self-service devices and the turnover of funds from the provided remote services. The methodology also takes into account the environmental analysis of the bank and the assessment of remote systems. 

Enterprises Competitiveness Improvement Based on the Choice of Strategic Development Alternatives

Introduction. The competitiveness of the enterprise has been and remains the main factor of the enterprise’s success and its good position in the market. The importance of assessing the competitiveness of machine-building enterprises and creating a mechanism to increase it is enhanced in the context of economic sanctions of Western countries against Russia, the need for import replacement and modernization of domestic production. Theoretical analysis. Improving the mechanism for managing the competitiveness of a machine-building enterprise includes highlighting the industry-specific features of machine-building as a branch of production and the features of the market for machine-building products. The research methodology is an integrated approach to assessing the competitiveness of a machine-building enterprise, including a methodology and a matrix for analyzing strategic alternatives for the development of a machine-building enterprise (ASAR matrix), developed on the basis of the SPASE-methodical approach. Empirical analysis. The factor analysis was used to identify strategic alternatives for the development of the enterprise. This made it possible to assess the strength of the relationship and interdependence of the main development factors in modern conditions of international economic sanctions, to clarify the elements of the competitiveness management system of a machine-building enterprise, to identify strategic alternatives to the development of a machine-building enterprise in modern conditions. A comprehensive assessment of the competitiveness of a machine-building enterprise was carried out on the basis of an expert assessment of 41 strategic alternatives. The method of comparative analysis, the graphic method and such traditional methods for assessing the competitiveness of products such as SPACE analysis and the KFU method are used as the main research methods. Results. The methodology and results of the analysis of the current competitiveness of an enterprise based on the construction of a matrix of strategic development alternatives are presented. The use of recommendations concerning the choice of a strategic direction of competitive struggle in the practical activity of an enterprise and strengthening the competitiveness of an enterprise as a whole will increase its resistance to external shocks and impacts and will ensure the solution of the tasks of improving business processes.

Portfolio Analysis Technologies in the Logistics System

Introduction. The modern functioning of logistics systems, which is characterized by high demands for increasing efficiency, saving resources, reducing the costs of product distribution, confirms the relevance of the competitiveness of enterprises through the use of advanced resource management technologies. Theoretical analysis. The article presents a theoretical analysis of the portfolio method of researching technologies that are used in the implementation of logistics operations and functions in an enterprise, and also describes in detail the stages and features of the construction of matrices of portfolio analysis technology. Scientists’ views on the use of portfolio analysis are summarized, and the advantagesof portfolio analysis of technologies in enterprises integrated into logistics systems are revealed. Results. According to the results of the study, problematic issues of constructing portfolio technology matrices were identified, criteria for technological attractiveness and resource endowment were formulated, which allow to develop effective strategies for improving the competitiveness of enterprises when performing logistic operations and functions.
