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Kolotushkin S. М., S. Tsukanov А. S. To the Question of the Legalization of Civilian Handguns in Russia. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2018, vol. 18, iss. 2, pp. 195-?. DOI:

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To the Question of the Legalization of Civilian Handguns in Russia

Introduction. In the article the possibility of introduction to legal turnover of short-barreled civil firearms is considered. Prerequisites and the imminent problems of society are described, the possibility of introduction of short-barreled civil weapon for his use by citizens for self-defense is considered, at the controlled and directed nature of process of legalization from law enforcement agencies and according to the tactical and technical and criminalistic requirements to this type of weapon agreed by them. Theoretical analysis. The purposes and tasks for which solution it is supposed to introduce short-barreled civil firearms into legal turnover are considered. The developed tactical and technical and criminalistic requirements as one of necessary conditions for consideration and coordination of the project on legalization of short-barreled civil weapon of self-defense are offered. Empirical analysis. The ballistic experiments showing criteria of efficiency of this type of weapon for assessment of opportunities his use by citizens for self-defense are made. Kinetic and specific energy of the striking elements is calculated. Results. Introduction of the concept on legalization of short-barreled civil firearms of self-defense in the territory of the Russian Federation the citizen with effective weapon for ensuring necessary self-defense, will allow to solve problems of providing with low probability of causing at its application and influence by a shell on the person of a lethal outcome. The possibilities of ballistic identification of short-barreled smooth-bore weapon for the purpose of establishment by law enforcement agencies of a concrete copy and its owner on criminalistic traces on a bullet and a sleeve are considered.


1. About weapon. Federal Law of 13.12.1996 No. 150-FZ (an edition of 29.12.2015). ATP «Consultant» [electronic resource] (in Russian). 

2. About the approval of Criminalistic requirements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation to technical characteristics of civil and offi ce weapon and also cartridges to him. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation from 20.09.2011 No. 1020 (it is registered in the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation 13.10.2011 No. 22048). ATP «Consultant» [electronic resource] (in Russian). 

3. About measures for regulation of a turn of civil and of- fi ce weapon and cartridges to him in the territory of the Russian Federation. Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of 21.07.1998 No. 814 (an edition of 06.05.2015). ATP «Consultant» [electronic resource] (in Russian). 

4. The Criminal Code of the Russian Federation of 13.06.1996 No. 63-FZ (an edition of 07.06.2017). ATP «Consultant» [electronic resource] (in Russian).

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