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Michurina E. A. Value of the Legal Nature of Credit Obligations in the Right Application Mechanism. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 4, pp. 603-607. DOI:

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Value of the Legal Nature of Credit Obligations in the Right Application Mechanism

The role of the credit relations and their major component credit obligations increases in economy and a financial system of the Russian state, satisfaction of needs of citizens. There is an objective need of research of the legal nature of the credit agreement and reflection of its elements by jurisprudence as incompleteness of theoretical researches is reflected in equipment of right application. Methods. The author uses general scientific and is private legal methods for research of the legal nature of the credit agreement. Results. Russian legislation there is no uniform, scientific and reasonable approach to understanding of the credit obligation now. The Civil Code of the Russian Federation considers the credit contract as an independent type of contracts and the basis of emergence of obligations, however, owing to the direct indication of standards of Civil Code, the credit relations are regulated by regulations on the loan agreement. Conclusion. The detailed regulation of the relations arising after the conclusion credit is necessary for permission of disputable situations arising in practice fullest and the correct perception of credit obligations by the domestic legal doctrine. The actual decision is the legislative base regulating an order of the conclusion, execution, cancellation of the credit agreements.

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