Cheremisinov Georgy Aleksandrovich CheremisinovGeorgyAleksandrovichCountry: RussiaCity: SaratovCompany: Saratov State University410028, Russia, Saratov, Astrakhanskaya str., 83 Position: ProfessorScientific degree: Doctor of Economic SciencesE-mail: Author's articles ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЕ ГОСУДАРСТВА НА ФОРМИРОВАНИЕ КОЛЕБАНИЙ ЭКОНОМИЧЕСКОЙ КОНЪЮНКТУРЫ РЕГИОНАЛЬНЫЕ АСПЕКТЫ УСТОЙЧИВОГО РАЗВИТИЯ РОССИЙСКОЙ ЭКОНОМИКИ Century of Mobilization Development of the Russian Economy The Methodology of Spatial-Temporal Analysis in Fernand Braudel’s Historical and Economic Research A century of J. M. Keynes’ macroeconomic masterpiece A modern Scandinavian “Saga about political economy”: “Against the Stream. Critical Essays on Economics” by Gunnar Myrdal Theoretical and Methodological Modelling Based on the Major Cycles Concept of by N. D. Kondratyev: Problem Statement The dialogue about the new economic policy: J. M. Keynes and V. I. Ulyanov-Lenin Convergent political economy of the “New socialism” by J. K. Galbraith Macro Trends and Threshold Changes of Modern Russian Economy Neo-Marxist Interpretation of Development of Economy USSR: World-System Analysis by I. Vallerstein Values in a Socio-economic Science