corporate governance

Property and non-property risks in the Russian corporate governance system

Introduction. Corporations today are the basis of any state’s economy, and within the framework of corporate governance, key strategic decisions are made that determine the fate of corporations. Accordingly, the problem of corporate governance risk management is one of the key economic problems, as it affects the interests of not only the participants of corporate relations, but also a huge number of economic agents. Theoretical analysis. The article presents the views of Russian scientists on the characteristics and classification of corporate governance risks, defines the property and non-property risks of corporate governance, considers the causes of their occurrence, as well as the mechanisms of influence on the corporation, its participants, creditors, public law entities. Also, a distinction is made between the objectively existing normal business risk and the predominantly subjective risks of corporate governance. Empirical analysis. Based on statistical data on bringing controlling persons to subsidiary liability, it is shown that the number of bankruptcies of Russian companies due to the manifestation of corporate governance risks is steadily growing. Results. The author’s typology of corporate governance risks, characterized by their relationship and interdependence is developed. Property and non-property risks of corporate governance are identified, the impact of which on the activities of Russian corporations is currently the most significant. Among them are those to which it is possible to adapt in the modern conditions of doing business. It is concluded that in the process of managing corporate risks based on the use of corporate law institutions existing in Russia and their combinations, it is impossible to nullify completely the occurrence and manifestation of the risks in question. Nevertheless, to ensure the necessary mutual control of the corporate relations subjects, limiting their ability to act in bad faith and unreasonably to the detriment of the company, is quite an achievable task.

Theoretic-Methodology Aspects of the Corporate Governance

The paper is about different view points of conception «corporate governance». There are several definition of the «corporate governance» category, of the different scientists. The author analyses it’s and propose fallowing methodology aspects of the corporate governance: strategic, lows, social, institutes, integral, value aspects and economics aspect.

The Influence of Corporate Governance on Increase of Transparency of Business

Over the past few years, corporate governance in Russia is now quite common because of the possibility of obtaining a variety of positive effects. To assess the transparency of domestic companies study was conducted, the results of which are presented in this paper to understand the current level of information transparency of Russian corporations and its dynamics from 2004 to the present. Methods. The dynamics of change and the current level of transparency of business on the example of 85 companies on nine key indicators of information on the following clusters: materials for the general meeting of shareholders, financial reporting standards RAS and IFRS, capital structure, the data is on the Board of Directors and management, corporate governance, fairness Information for Russian and foreign investors. Conclusions. Implementation of good practices of corporate governance enhances transparency of internal processes in the organization, which facilitates assessment of the prospects of the company and its investors is the basis for attracting investment funds (with a positive state of affairs.

Stakeholder risk modeling: An econometric analysis experience

Introduction. The article is devoted to the study of stakeholder risks and the possibilities of their assessment. The methodological framework of the study was formed on the basis of the corporate governance theory and its stakeholder model. Theoretical analysis. On the basis of the the Russian-language and English-language publications’ general review, carried out by the authors, it is concluded that there is no clear generally accepted toolkit for assessing stakeholder risk. Assessment of stakeholder risks was most developed in project approaches. Methods. The authors propose an approach for assessing the stakeholder risks of an organization as a whole based on the search for a balance of interests through modeling the contributions and benefits of stakeholders and the gaps between contributions and benefits. The empirical base of the study was made up of data on flour-grinding and bakery enterprises of the Sverdlovsk region for 2010–2019. The unbalanced dashboard for analysis included 130 observations across 28 companies. Results. The methodology has been tested on the example of a comparative analysis of “more successful” and “less successful” companies in terms of revenue. Econometric models of the stakeholder contribution to revenue have been built. Stakeholder risk maps were built, which made it possible to identify the most influential stakeholders in terms of their contribution to revenue and the most risky ones in terms of the gap level. Conclusions. When assessing stakeholder risks, a broad outlook and a system of various methods for assessing stakeholder risks are required, as well as a willingness to take into account factors that may go beyond the framework of the models. The results and conclusions of the article can become a theoretical platform for further research. Further research on this topic can be related to expanding the understanding of the imbalance of interests by taking into account the subjective assessments of stakeholders and experts. For these purposes, it is necessary to adapt existing corporate surveys to accounting for stakeholder value and stakeholder risks.

Firm Performance and CEO Influence

Introduction. The evolution of the corporate governance system determines the transition from external to internal development vector. The current research agenda is the search for new mechanisms of Russian corporations’ organizational effectiveness. In this regard, the effectiveness of company management is of particular importance. Theoretical analysis. The article identifies key factors affecting management performance. The central objective of the study is to assess the impact of the CEO turnover on the firm performance. The article clarifies the concept of “firm performance”. Based on the analysis of existing studies, factors affecting management performance, mainly the role of the CEO, are systematized. Empirical analysis. Fixed-effect panel regression is used as the research method. The information base is the data of Russian joint-stock companies for the period from 2006 to 2017. Results. Various specifications of the base model revealed a statistically negative short term connection between the change of revenue and the CEO turnover in Russian joint-stock companies. On the whole, the CEO turnover indirectly influences the effectiveness of management.

Improvement of the Composition and Structure of the Board of Directors in Russian Corporations

Introduction. For a long time, the board of directors of Russian corporations had a formal character, manifested in weak interpersonal relations between council members and in a formal approach to performing functions prescribed by Russian law and the Corporate Governance Code. The cause of formalism was the merging of property and management in Russian business, namely, the formation of a model of insider capitalism, as well as the general misunderstanding by the owners of the functional of the board of directors. These processes affected the formation of boards of directors from representatives of majority shareholders and government officials, which does not meet the requirements of the International best practices of corporate governance. The need for effective management, as well as the processes for companies to enter the international market, have become factors in the activation of boards of directors.

Theoretical analysis. In the course of the article, the composition and structure of the boards of directors of domestic companies are analyzed in the dynamics. An analysis is carried out for the presence of independent directors in the boards, their share ratio. The statistical data characterizing the dynamics of the structure of the soviets are also considered: the presence of appropriate committees in them. The analysis is conducted on the correspondence of the current state of the composition and structure of the boards of directors of Russian companies to the requirements of the Corporate Governance Code. Special attention is paid to these characteristics in non-public companies.

Results. The analysis made it possible to draw conclusions about compliance with the necessary requirements for the composition and structure of boards of directors in Russian companies. But the quantitative and structural characteristics of this institution are not sufficient for its full functional. Therefore, the article provides recommendations on the quantitative content of the board of directors, as well as the principles for the formation of committees of the board of directors, based on the need to address certain issues.

Activities Professionalization of Corporate Control Systems in Russian Companies

Introduction. Article explains the necessity of activities professionalization of corporate control systems in Russian companies. Clear scientific selection of processes in the corporate governance system will determine their specificity, the composition of labor actions and functions for the formation of professional standards, which, in its turn will perform benchmarks in the development of educational programs for various levels of training in higher education system. Professionalization of the activities on corporate governance requires a clear separation of business processes and standardization functions. Theoretical analysis. The study of legal and corporate standards, coupled with the best practice of board of directors organization of the Russian companies has allowed to identify the main subject areas (directions) of activity in the corporate governance systems. Results. The author shows the relationship of corporate governance processes needs with the labor functions of existing professional standards for the purpose of justify the existing gaps in the qualifications required for the operation of corporate governance systems. Corporate management activities needs a professionalization and specialization, which in turn will require the restructuring of the corporate governance systems.