финансовая грамотность

Problems of ensuring the security of an individual’s economic trace on the Internet

Introduction.The article deals with the problems of ensuring the security of economic information of individuals on the Internet. The concept and forms of the economic Internet trace of the individual are investigated. Theoretical analysis. Fraudulent actions in a virtual environment directed against individuals account for a signifi cant proportion of the total number of cybercrimes. The main motive of the off enses is to obtain fi nancial benefi ts, and the method is the distribution and use of malicious software. The contradiction between formal institutions of economic cybersecurity and informal institutions of virtual fraud is analyzed, and the ways of its resolution are presented: tightening control and organization of harmonious interaction of economic agents. The forms of institutional coordination of subjects on the basis of market relations are investigated: the introduction of a cooling-off period during fi nancial transactions; the determination of the minimum amount of funds after which the transaction is subject to mandatory control by fi nancial structures and supervisory authorities; the establishment of the amount of funds that banks must return in a simplifi ed and unconditional manner to customers – individuals who have become victims of cybercriminals; the introduction of blockchain technology. Special attention is paid to the formation of fi nancial literacy of the population. The author notes an increase in cases of cyberbullying during the coronavirus pandemic. Results. The conclusion is made about the weakness of state and market institutions to protect the economic Internet trace of the individual. It is proposed to develop an appropriate state strategy to improve the security of the individuals’ economic information use on the Internet.

Basic Knowledge Standards for Evaluating Financial Literacy of Adults Population

Introduction. The article reflects the basic requirements for the results of the financial literacy system for the adult population. Theoretical analysis. The standard of basic knowledge is a tool in the field of education, fixing the level of knowledge that determines financial literacy. Empirical analysis. Financial knowledge is applied in nature, is a set of information and skills that have the property of universal applicability and are objectively necessary to maintain and improve financial well-being in daily life. Results. As a part of the implementation of the National Strategy for Financial Literacy in the Russian Federation for 2017–2023, the considered standards of basic knowledge for adults can be used in the process of developing regional programs aimed at a wide target audience, they can serve to identify factors and barriers to increasing the level of financial literacy of the Russian population, create effective tools for measuring the results of activities and a qualitative assessment of the results of work. The article was prepared as a part of the Project of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the World Bank “Promoting Improving the Level of Financial Literacy of the Population and the Development of Financial Education in the Russian Federation”.


Введение. Развитие процесса повышения финансовой грамотности населения является закономерным, поскольку до- статочный уровень финансовой грамотности способствует по- вышению уровня жизни, финансовой безопасности граждан, развитию экономики и повышению общественного благосостояния. На сегодняшний день продолжается поиск методик комплексной оценки финансовой грамотности населения и механизмов ее повышения. Теоретический анализ. Основу методики оценки финансовой грамотности населения должна составлять правильно подобранная система индикаторов, по- зволяющая использовать инструменты психолого-экономиче- ского исследования, направленных на выявление группы про- стых и синтетических показателей финансовой грамотности (компетентности) и их опережающего прогноза (оценки ожи- даний их динамики) со стороны финансовых институтов и лиц, принимающих решения. Эмпирический анализ. Анализ со- держания финансовой грамотности позволил выделить составные элементы (умения, навыки, понимание, компетенции, знания и мотивация), наличие которых выявляется эмпирически на основе проведения тестирования. Результаты. Предложенная методика позволяет лучше понять, каков сегодня уровень финансовой грамотности россиян, в каких социально-демографических группах или по каким именно компетенциям существуют проблемы, чтобы лучше таргетировать программы финансовой грамотности населения.

Financial Literacy of Citizens in the Russian Federation

Introduction. The relevance of the study confirmed a significant public attention, public institutions and individual households to the issue of financial literacy in Russia. To date, it continues to develop technologies to improve the financial literacy of the population. Theoretical analysis. The increase of financial literacy should be facilitated by the system of public policies for the development of financial education system, strengthening the protection of rights of consumers of financial services, increasing their accessibility for citizens. An indispensable condition for the implementation of this policy should be to create sustainable institutions at federal and regional level involved in the program of financial education and public awareness, building assessment system as the level of financial literacy of various categories of citizens and the effectiveness of those measures, which are aimed at its promotion. Empirical Analysis. Based on the analysis of public and private initiatives aimed at increasing the financial literacy of the allocated elements of a comprehensive system of financial education. Results. Analysis to identify possible ways to improve the financial literacy of the population to form a comprehensive model of financial education and awareness.