государственно-частное партнерство

International Experience of Public-Private Partnerships for Development Investment of Innovation

The review of international experience organizing public-private partnerships in the development of investment processes of innovation are made in this article. It focuses on key trends in this area, analyzed the basic tools and support mechanisms for innovation in PPP projects in developed countries and their actual using in Russia, stated the key areas of decision development problems of public-private partnership in the area of innovation.

Рublic‑Private Partnership as the Important of Innovative Development of the Russian Economy

In article necessity of effective partnership of the state and private business in the conditions of formation of the Russian innovative sys‑ tem is considered. Its perspective directions in construction of socially focused market economy of innovative type are revealed.

Directions of Development of Innovation Investing in Public-Private Partnership

The article defines the key areas to address innovation in investment projects of public-private partnerships and the development of its mechanisms of state support, the legal framework, organizational and economic mechanism, financial instruments and staffing.

Public Private Partnership: Financial Support of Regional Economic Development

The paper discusses the theoretical and methodological issues related to the application and the financing of public-private partnership. The economic nature of public-private partnership is opened, standard and legal bases of cooperation of the state and business are investigated; definition of concept of public-private partnership is offered; forms are allocated and the tools of financing of PPP projects are defined.

Legislation as a factor in the development of public-private partnership in the sphere of information technologies

Introduction. Public-private partnership (PPP) in world practice has established itself as an eff ective tool for interaction between business and government in the implementation of socially signifi cant projects. The state got the opportunity to attract a private investor to solve strategic problems of social development. Information technology (IT) is no exception. In the context of globalization and digitalization of the economy, development of information technology sphere is becoming highly relevant, since it determines the level of information security and development of the country as a whole. Theoretical analysis. The main research method was the analysis of the basic laws governing public-private partnerships in the IT sphere both in Russia and abroad, which made it possible to identify the diff erences in the PPP legislation of diff erent countries. Empirical analysis. The analysis of the legislation of diff erent countries in the fi eld of public-private partners in relation to the IT industry enabled the authors to divide countries into four groups, depending on the characteristics and level of its development. The fi rst group of countries is characterized by the absence of a law on PPP at the state level, application of international legal norms and availability of methodological recommendations in the fi eld of PPP. In the second group, countries have a fundamental law on PPP without specifying the spheres of its application, or a list of spheres has been formed and it includes the IT industry. In the third group, there is a general law on PPP with a list of specifi c areas that does not include the sphere of information technology. The fourth group of countries has no legislation on PPP. Results. The authors identifi ed the problems of legislation in the fi eld of public-private partnership in relation to IT projects. In particular, it was determined that Russian laws in the fi eld of PPP have relatively more specifi city in relation to IT projects than foreign ones. However, this is far from always being good and creates artifi cial restrictions for the development of this mechanism for attracting a private partner to fi nance IT projects that are signifi cant for society. The highlighted shortcomings of the Russian legislation will help to improve effi ciency and controllability of PPP projects in the IT sphere, when eliminated.

Perspectives of Creation Innovative Clusters in the Life Sciences

Introduction. The problems of practical use of discoveries in the sphere of life sciences, especially genomics, attracts the attention of many researchers. This raised the question of innovation cluster creating in the sphere of genomics. Theoretical analysis. The papers examines the questions of possibility and advisability of creating clusters in the field of life sciences. The research is based on foreign experience in network structures creating in the field of life sciences in leading research centers. The features of cluster creation in genomics are examined and main conditions of their successful functioning are revealed. Discussion of results. In research process the role of state participation in creation of such clusters is examined as well as the importance of public-private partnership in cluster development. Creating united coordinated and available data source is a field of especial importance of state support of clusterisation in genomics fields.

The Development of Public-private Partnership in Netlogistics System of Passenger Transportation Management

Introduction. In recent years, the worldwide trend of establishing effective cooperation between the state and business in the infra- structure sectors (electricity, road, rail, utilities) in the framework of public-private partnership (PPP). A special place in infrastructure is the transport sector, forming the basis of the whole economic system. Currently, the effectiveness of PPPs is not high enough due to the lack of models of effective institutional cooperation between the state and private companies, mechanisms mates the interests of the state and business structures at the regional level, as well as learning the tendencies of the development Association of public and private transport companies in the modern business environment. Theoretical analysis. A theoretical analysis of the context of use of the term
«public-private partnership» shows that in General, the PPP represents various forms of interaction between state and private business enterprises. Empirical analysis. The development of public-private partnerships are presented as a logical sequence of activities that will enhance the activity of transport enterprises to improve the quality of passenger transport, to expand the scope and increase the effectiveness of process management in passenger transportation in netlogistics system based on the strengthening of the economic rela- tions of the state and business structures. Results. The results of the authors of the studies to determine the directions of development of public-private partnership is the development of a set of activities that will enhance the activity of transport enterprises to improve the quality of passenger transport, to expand the scope and increase its effectiveness in netlogistics system based on the strengthening of economic relations of state and business structures.


Введение. Государственно-частное партнерство является одним из действенных механизмов эффективного развития рыночной экономики для привлечения ресурсов и капиталов частного бизнеса к финансированию общественного сектора экономики, осуществлению крупных проектов развития инфраструктуры, внедрению наукоемких технологий. Теоретический анализ. На основании исследования различных точек зрения, существующих в мировой научной литературе и практике государственного управления экономикой, в статье предложено определение ГЧП как особой системы сотрудничества между публичной властью и частным сектором, неотъемлемыми атрибутами которой являются институционально определенные национальные модели, формы, схемы и механизмы установления и реализации конкретных организационно-экономических и имущественно-хозяйственных отношений, присущих им видов деятельности и социальных ролей, осуществляемых в общественных интересах на условиях, экономически и социально выгодных для всех участников таких отношений. Результаты. Отсутствие общепринятого и четко законодательно определенного подхода к трактовке понятия ГЧП, неразвитость законодательной базы, а также практика и традиции государственного управления являются существенными барьерами на пути развития механизма ГЧП в России. Для развития ГЧП выявлена необходимость изме- нения системы стратегического и долгосрочного финансового планирования со стороны государства, разработка и внедрение системы гарантирования инвестиций частного сектора, вложенных в объекты государственной собственности, разработка системы мониторинга проектов ГЧП, инструментария оценки их экономической эффективности, совершенствова- ние законодательной базы, эффективное взаимодействие партнеров – государства и бизнеса.