
Socio-economic Factors of Formation of National Identity in the Conditions of Globalization

Introduction. The urgency of the problems of international cooperation associated with the exacerbation of national consciousness, increased tolerance to violations of national equality and distorted media coverage of conflict on a national basis. Theoretical analysis. The purpose of the article – to identify systemically important factors of national identity. The formation of national identity is determined by the spatial characteristics – border areas. Another factor that is closely related to the previous one, is a land. A feature of the above two factors is that they are not affected by the processes of globalization. The formation of national identity is important not only to the role of government, but also state-forming nation. Results. The analysis found that the largest transformational changes are subject to language, culture and economy that make up the framework of the national identity of any state. Therefore, at the highest level should be given to a system of measures and activities to institutionalize the influence of globalization processes and the development of protective mechanisms for the preservation of the most vulnerable places in the formation of national identity.

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