Knowledge and Information in «New Economy» Conception |
The difference and similarities between «knowledge» and «information» are examined in this article. The author offers original theory of Экономика 13 influence of these categories on each other in postindustrial society. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2012, vol. 12, iss. 2 |
The Essential Characteristics of Intellectually-information Capital |
Modern stage of development of the economy suggests that in all spheres of human activity information and knowledge form the new «specific» resource – intellectual-information capital, which in conjunction with the high-quality labor force, is the source of productivity growth and competitiveness, both at the micro and macro level. Methods. Development of methodology of research of intellectualinformational capital involves the application of methods of complex and system approach, reflecting the multi-level analysis of the investigated object. In particular, it is proposed consideration of problems of formation of the intellectual-information capital at the individual and corporate levels. Results. Intellectual and information-in capital represents the complex of regenerative in the process of accumulation of knowledge information resources, with consumer and commercial value, acting simultaneously as capitalized stock and flow, generating in the process of its involvement in the economic turnover of income subject of economic activity. The ability of the economy to effective reproduction of intellectual-information capital is determined primarily by the increase of the educational-qualification level of labour resources, growth of investment expenditures, allocated for these purposes, the creation of professional and social conditions for realization of creative potential, including the adequacy of income of the individual is required to maintain reproduction processes on this level. The decisive factor in the reproduction of the corporate intellectual-information capital is the formation of the quality management system of the enterprise (organization) focused on the development of specific forms, the application of technologies of work with knowledge, providing the possibility of combining the accumulated companies practices and technologies. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 4(2) |
The Legal Regime of State and Municipal Information Systems |
Introduction. State and municipal information systems are the most important tools for building the platform of e-government and of the digital economy. Systemic study and improvement of their legal support is possible through the category of “legal regime”. Theoretical analysis. Administrative and object legal regimes are singled out. The legal regime of information systems refers to the objective ones. The legal regime of the state (municipal) information system is a set of interrelated legal means to achieve the desired social effect of using the state (municipal) information system. Empirical analysis. Structurally legal regime is a system of interrelated and interacting elements, among which normative and non-normative elements can be singled out. The purpose of establishing a legal regime, the principles of the institution of state and municipal information systems are of particular importance among non-normative elements. The block of normative elements is formed, first of all, by the norms determining the legal status of participants in information relations related to the creation and use of state and municipal information systems. Results. There are the following mandatory regulatory elements of the legal regime of the state (municipal) information system: the purpose of creating and designating an information system; requirements for the composition and content of the information resource; requirements for technical, software, linguistic support of the information system; requirements for the processes of creating an information system (including commissioning, modernization, decommissioning); the legal status of information providers; the legal status of users of information; legal status of the information system operator. |
Information Support of Public Control in the Russian Federation: System and Legal Analysis |
Introduction. This article deals with issues related to the study of the role and importance of information in the system of public control. The studies the features of the regulatory and legal consolidation of information support for public control activities, including focusing on the main areas of information exchange between subjects and objects of the type of control under consideration. Purpose. The main purpose of the work is to study the role and place of information in the process of organization and implementation of public control. Results. Analyzed the Russian regulatory and legal framework governing issues related to information support for public control activities. Shows the practical implementation of the principles of openness and publicity in the process of functioning as subjects of public control, and its objects. Particular attention is paid to researching the legal provision of access to information on the activities of public authorities, identifying its main areas, such as the organization of official websites, state information resources, the provision of official information on the requests of citizens and organizations, access to meetings of public authorities, etc. Сonclusion. The present time the necessary regulatory and legal framework has been created in the Russian Federation that provides information openness to public authorities, which is considered to be the most important and one of the main conditions for the implementation of public control. However, in a number of cases there are violations of the requirements of the current legislation, which is most often manifested in the sphere of organization of work of official websites of public authorities, and therefore additional monitoring of the compliance of the organizational and regulatory components of access to information is required. |
Введение. В условиях информатизации бизнес-структуры претерпевают множество изменений, внедряется много тех- нологических и институциональных инноваций. Внедрение новых технологий в производство, построение новых стра- тегий организации бизнес-процессов (например, в вирту- альном пространстве), а также изменение неформальных правил игры, к примеру, обеспечивающих функционирование виртуальных организаций на основе доверия их участников друг к другу, существенно увеличивают производительность труда и конкурентоспособность современных организаций. Теоретический анализ. Предметом научного анализа яв- ляются социально-экономические отношения, складывающи- еся в процессе реализации институциональных инноваций различных бизнес-структур. Институциональные инновации определяются как новшества в функционировании формаль- ных и неформальных институтов, или правил игры, а также во взаимосвязи между институтами. Под влиянием новых информационных технологий трансформируются различные формальные и неформальные институты. Появляются новые институты, связанные с сетевыми формами организации, такие как электронные биржи, электронные корпоративные рынки, электронные платёжные системы и др. Цель рабо- ты – рассмотреть институциональные инновации развития бизнес-структур в условиях информатизации. Результаты. Выявлены сущность и специфика институциональных инно- ваций в условиях информатизации. Обосновано, что отрасль информационных технологий на современном этапе является одной из самых динамично развивающихся отраслей мировой экономики. Благодаря информационным технологиям стало возможным обмениваться информацией на больших рассто- яниях и заниматься бизнесом в разных странах. Доказано, что информационные технологии дают возможность неограничен- ного расширения бизнеса, а также позволяют автоматизиро- вать процесс управления в целом. Важно практическое при- менение институциональных инноваций в процессе развития и совершенствования ИТ-технологий в бизнес-структурах с целью повышения уровня их конкурентоспособности и инве- стиционной привлекательности. |
Demonstration of Fictitious in Intelligent Goods at the Economy Knowledge |
Introduction.Changes in the economic system at the present stage first of all are bound to the changes imposed to the workforce. Currently, the intellectual work, which is characterized by cognition becomes more significant in industrial sector. In this connection, the importance of increased intangible goods, one of which is an intellectual goods run high. The intelligent goods have specific properties, one of which is fictitious. Theoretical analysis. The article contains various definitions of what «knowledge» and «information» are. It also contains the analysis of the features of the process of production of intellectual goods,in the creation of which the main resource is knowledge. Besides, the article contains the main approaches to the definition of «fictitious goods». Results. It is noted that there is a gap between value and the value of intellectual goods. Also noted that while determining the value of these goods comes up some difficulties with assessing the labor by their production. Based on an analysis of different approaches to the concept of «fictitious goods» defined that knowledge has the properties of fictitious and the intellectual goods is a fictitious goods, and that is its main feature. |
Content of Secret Ballot as a Kind of Legal Regime of Information in the Russian State |
The study of the content of secret ballot is impossible without a definition of «the secret ballot». The general legal concept of «secret» is not fixed in the legislation of the Russian Federation, and therefore, there are two basic approaches to this concept in the legal literature: a secret as information and a secret as the legal regime of information. Purpose. The main purpose consists in analyzing the secret ballot as the legal regime of information. Results. In the absence of legislative recognition of the concept of the legal regime of information the author has analyzed the concept of «information» and «legal regime» for the research objectives. On the basis of the analysis of the main elements of the legal regime of information the author claims that they are all inherent in the secret ballot. Conclusion. The author makes some conclusions about the content of the secret ballot, and determines the value of undisclosed information. |
Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия Экономика. Управление. Право. 2015. Т. 15, вып. 4 |