
Formation and Development of Innovative Systems of the EAEC Clustering Based Economy

Introduction. In modern conditions, determine the dynamics of innovation for economic growth and the place that occupied the country and the various unions in the global community. On the implementation of tasks to ensure the technical and technological modernization of the economies of the Eurasian Economic Union directed the formation of innovative systems based on the cluster approach.

Theoretical analysis. The cluster approach allows the use of the capacities of all countries-participants of the Eurasian Economic Union in the innovation process and the translation of their economies on the path of innovative development.

Discussion of results. The required level of interaction between members of the cluster can be achieved through the organization able to generate, transmit and coordinate innovation across the designated areas. As an organization at supranational level are encouraged to use high technology center and at the meso level is necessary to create a structure that will work with the high-tech center. With regard to the infrastructure of the Saratov region such as the organization proposed the establishment in the form of a municipal enterprise under the administration of the city of regional technological Chamber, which will promote the development of innovation systems of the countriesparticipants of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Principles of Project Investment Method of Innovation Activity

Introduction. At present, the development of a modern economy of the country is impossible without investing in innovation. The role of innovation in the economy increases every day, and one investment project method and the basic methods of investment, which will help Russia to overcome all the new frontiers of economic development. Theoretical analysis. The article deals with the analysis and design method of investing innovation and detail all the principles of the method. Result. Based on the different perspectives of the authors about the project method and its investment principles identified strengths and weaknesses of this method. According to the results of the research project method investment innovation were identified strengths of this method and can say with full confidence that the use of the design method of investing in the Russian Federation will promote the growth of innovative activity in the country and boosting the economy of the country as a whole.

International Science and Technology Cooperation of the Republic of Korea

Introduction. Further successful development of the Russian regions should be based on the strategy of modernization. Identification of the main problems of economic development of regions, especially investment, should be an important stage in the construction of this strategy. The methodology and results of the study is analysis of the extent and dynamics of indicators of investment activity in the regions, as well as the assessment of the level and quality of the use of the most important elements of their reproductive capacity required in determining the degree of implementation of the strategy of modernization. Theoretical analysis. The process for determining the effectiveness of investment activity at the regional level offered, and the rating of regions of the Russian Federation on key indicators of return on investment is made. Discussion of the results. The study found that some regions, occupying relatively high positions in the main macroeconomic indicators of gross product, have a number of problems in its investment development. Obstacle to the modernization of the economy of the Russian regions is their under- investment. As a guide the long-term development must be put as a goal to achieve and exceed the national average values. Also some measures the effective implementation of the reproductive potential of the regions offered.

The Role of Public Authorities in the Organization of Innovative Activity in the Saratov Region

Introduction. The tactical objective of the authorities in the field of innovation is the formation of a favorable environment, as «umbrella» over innovation. Theoretical analysis. The article analyzes the activities of executive authorities in the Saratov region, responsible for taking initiatives in innovation, and algorithmic activities of the government of the Saratov region on the creation of favourable innovation climate and innovation infrastructure. Empirical analysis. The mechanisms of influence of the Ministry of industry and energy of the Saratov region, the Ministry of economic development and investment policy, regional Venture Fund and Business incubator for innovative activity in the region analyzed. Discussion of the results. There is support of key state agencies aimed at stimulating innovation activity, commercialization of new inventions, their introduction into production in the Saratov region. Powerful university complex with regional bodies has a direct impact on the development of innovative activities in the region. However, weak industry, the lack of competitive enterprises in a modern technological basis, the bankruptcy of many industrial enterprises, the burden of excessive taxes, high tariffs, lack of investment programs reinforce is negative trends. It requires the review of all innovation, investment and industrial policy in the Saratov region, its adjustment towards the creation of favorable conditions for development of innovative activity.

Model of Balanced Distribution of Innovative Resources of Industrial Enterprises Between Objects of Innovation

Introduction. In today’s world the use of information technology in an industrial enterprises is one of the key factors for its development. Information systems provide the stable functioning of the various companies, supporting all key innovation processes, as well as a source of analytical support for effective management decisions to ensure a balanced distribution of innovative resources between objects of innovation. Theoretical analysis. This article discusses some aspects of management of innovative resources of industrial enterprises and their ranking. Scientific concept of intentionality shows a balanced distribution of innovative resources of industrial enterprise between objects of innovation. The author’s model of optimization of «centralized scheme» of balanced distribution of innovative resources, helps to minimize risk and effectively distribute them in the implementation of innovative projects based on environmental conditions based on expert judgment. It is proved that in the modern scientific economic literature devoted insufficient attention to the development of methods and tools for modeling and analysis of problem situations in innovation and innovative mechanisms for distributing resource of more often based on an analysis of only the financial performance indicators. Results. The scientific concept of a balanced distribution of innovative resources between innovation on the basis of modified methods produced objects innovation rankings (alternatives) and developed an optimization model «of centralized scheme» of balanced distribution of innovative resources of industrial enterprises. Conclusions. An assessment of the optimization model of «centralized scheme» developed by the author of concept of a balanced distribution of innovative resources between objects of innovation.

The Analysis of Economic Activity of Small Innovative Enterprises Founded by Budget Scientific and Educational Institutions of Higher Education

Introduction. This article discusses one of the priorities of the economic policy of the Russian Federation, namely promoting innovation activity of companies founded on the basis of cost of scientific and educational institutions of higher education. The ability to build such companies has been allowed by the Federal Law of August 15, 2009 № 217 and Decree of the Russian Federation № 219 of April 9, 2010 (hereinafter, the Program 219). The classification of these companies and the analysis of their activity are considered in the paper. The purpose of this article is to study the major indicators of economic activity of the companies. The main task of research is analysis of the companies following Government Decree № 219. Methodology of the study. The data presented in the article have been obtained via analysis of reports of higher education institutions presented to the Scientific Research Institute – Federal Research Centre for Projects Evaluation and Consulting Services (SRI FRCEC) or the Institute, which serves as the specialized organization of the Programme 219. Results. The main result of the paper is the analysis of current state of the companies and key indicators of their activity. The article gives an analysis of features in development of small innovative companies-participants of the Program 219, the appeared disadvantages and advantages are identified.

The «Triple Helix» in the Innovation System Saratov Region – Interaction and Disadvantages of Functioning

Introduction. The article deals with the content of theories of «Triple Helix», developed by Western scholars at the beginning of the XXI century, the essence of which is the need for innovative interaction of three driving forces of the modern economy – the university community, industry and the public authorities, and analyzes the practical aspects of this interaction in the Saratov region, shows the advantages and disadvantages of the relationship between data elements. Theoretical analysis. Consideration of the interaction between the elements of the «Triple Helix» involves the use of methods of scientific research. These methods include systemic, complex, statistical methods, analysis and synthesis of the object, the use of special methods of research (interview data). Empirical analysis. In an innovative collaboration at the regional level, considering the possibility of capitalization available cash of material and financial resources of the region and it is shown that in the Saratov region to implement such a capitalization problematic due to the high credit debt in the region. Results. In conclusion, it is concluded that much of the functioning of the «Triple Helix» depends on the activities of the regional public authorities, which must implement appropriate economic policies to increase the capitalization of the available material and educational resources in the Saratov region, to prevent the «brain drain» from the region, to create favorable conditions for the implementation of innovations most gifted students, the scientific community and innovative businesses


Введение. Актуальность изучения проблем управления инновационным портфелем мезоэкономической системы обусловливается необходимостью создания благоприятной инновационной среды на мезоуровне. Теоретический анализ. В отечественных и зарубежных работах по теории и методологии управления проектами особое значение уделяется управлению инновационным портфелям проектов на мезоуровне. Состояние указанных исследований выявляет новые тенденции развития мезоэкономической системы. Говоря об изучении инновационного портфеля на мезоуровне, исследователи отмечают необходимость его измерения в разрезе территориально-кластерной структуры, жизненного цикла технологий, обеспеченности ресурсами и пр. Эмпирический анализ. В статье представлена и обоснована структуризация инновационного портфеля мезоэкономической системы по кластерному признаку на примере Саратовской области, что потребовало проведения количественного анализа инновационных проектов региональных кластеров по стадиям развития в Саратовской области в 2011–2013 гг. и анализа количества организаций, участвующих в разработке инновационных проектов Саратовской области 2011–2013 гг. Результаты. Благодаря проведенным аналитическим исследованиям выявлены проблемы в инновационном портфе- ле Саратовской области и предложена схема управления инновационным портфелем на мезоуровне согласно этапам процесса «выравнивания» (формирования портфеля) и его «мониторинга и контроля».


Введение. В современных условиях достижения науки, техники и технологий определяют динамику экономического роста уровня конкурентоспособности страны в мировом сообществе, степень обеспечения ее национальной безопасности и равноправной интеграции в мировую экономику. На реализацию задач по обеспечению технологической модернизации экономики, созданию условий, обеспечивающих интеграцию научно-технического и производственного потенциалов стран содружества на основе формирования общего экономического пространства, технологической модернизации реальных секторов экономики, развития инновационного предпринимательства направлено формирование Евразийской инновационной системы. Теоретический анализ. В статье рассматриваются основные принципы развития инновационной системы стран- участниц ЕврАзЭС, среди которых выделяются общесистемные и системообразующие. Показано, что, следуя рассмотренным принципам, инновационная система стран-участниц ЕврАзЭС на мезоуровне способна стать эффективным инструментом разработки и реализации инновационной политики, способствовать гармонизации законодательства государств-членов ЕврАзЭС, переводу экономики на инновационный путь развития, функционирования эффективной инфраструктуры, ориентированной на стимулирование инновационного предпринимательства. Обсуждение результатов. На примере развития инновационной системы стран-участниц ЕврАзЭС на мезоуровне выявляются основные принципы, делающие ее основным звеном в формировании Евразийской инновационной системы, способствующей устойчивому развитию как региона, так и страны в целом, а также способствующие формированию единого инновационного пространства государств-членов ЕврАзЭС.
