
Long-term Planning of Innovative Development Mezoeconomic Level as a Factor of Formation of Innovative Strategies of Industrial Enterprises

Innovative  strategies  in industrial  enterprises  play an  important role  in implementing and maintaining a continuous  process of innovation. Currently improving innovative development for most  industrial  enterprises  is  an  important means of  maintaining  their activity  in developed areas and expansion into new directions.  Goals and objectives.  Long-term planning of innovative development mezoeconomic level serves  as  the basis for the development of projects  of medium-term programs of social-economic development of the industrial enterprises  of the Saratov  region, the medium-term financial plans,  innovative projects  and other documents for  companies. R esearch  methodology.  For industrial enterprises  strategy combines  the long-term objectives  and planned results,  as  well  as  the methods,  techniques  and tools to achieve these  goals,  solve specific problems, as  well as  for the rational allocation of resources. Results. The result of the considered  the author of the dependence of formation of innovative strategies  directly at the enterprise  from the planning of innovative development at  the mezo  level is the creation of an enabling environment and effective infrastructure for the formation of the Saratov area  of modern high-tech economy and sustainable development of its investment-innovation model.  Saratov region has the necessary  potential for the rapid development of innovation sector of  the economy (availability  of  scientific  schools and advance  in  applied  research).  For  further  development  of  innovative  sector  of  the  region  provides  for  the  establishment  of  base  areas of high technology  and a network of regional centers of innovation development,  energy saving and increasing energy efficiency  of the regional economy based on innovative development.

Use of the Venture Capital for Investment of Innovative Activity in the Mechanical Engineering›s Enterprises

Basis of industrial power of the state is the mechanical engineering which level of development defines the general technological level of economy. In modern conditions the venture capital becomes one of the most effective sources of investment of innovative activity of the enterprises of mechanical engineering. Theoretical analysis. Present condition of branch of mechanical engineering in Russia was analysed in the article. The concept of the venture capital and its special role of investment in innovative activity for enterprises of mechanical engineering reveals and specified. Research of a current state and level of development of the venture industry in Russia was conducted. The special role of the venture capital as source of investment resources for the mechanical engineering enterprises was proved. Conclutions. Conclusions and methodical recommendations of some authors are given in this article, goal of this are activization and increase of efficiency of the venture capital used for investment in the innovative activity of the mechanical engineering’s enterprises. The actions promoting development and technological updating of the enterprises of mechanical engineering in Russia are formulated and offered.

Perspectives of Creation Innovative Clusters in the Life Sciences

Introduction. The problems of practical use of discoveries in the sphere of life sciences, especially genomics, attracts the attention of many researchers. This raised the question of innovation cluster creating in the sphere of genomics. Theoretical analysis. The papers examines the questions of possibility and advisability of creating clusters in the field of life sciences. The research is based on foreign experience in network structures creating in the field of life sciences in leading research centers. The features of cluster creation in genomics are examined and main conditions of their successful functioning are revealed. Discussion of results. In research process the role of state participation in creation of such clusters is examined as well as the importance of public-private partnership in cluster development. Creating united coordinated and available data source is a field of especial importance of state support of clusterisation in genomics fields.

Substantiation of the Balanced Approach to the Digitalization Process in the Aspect of Innovative Development of Domestic Enterprises

Introduction. One of the priority tasks for our country is to activate the innovative activity of domestic enterprises. The most important modern tool for increasing the activity of innovative development is digitalization. To achieve high efficiency of digital transformation processes in the context of innovation, it is necessary to determine the most promising option for implementing digitalization processes in order to activate and maintain a high level of efficiency in the development and implementation of innovations at domestic enterprises. Theoretical analysis. Existing theoretical approaches to the concept of digitalization define it as a driver of innovative development. The transition to digital technologies transforms the innovative activity of the enterprise, providing a wide range of opportunities, both by improving the efficiency of processes, and by developing and launching new products or services to the market. While there is a lack of scientific interest in issues complementing the digital transformation of the management system, whereas the concept of balanced digital transformation of production and management systems of the enterprise is not considered that determines the low performance of the initiated change processes of innovation. Empirical analysis. It has been revealed that currently the transition to “digital” is carried out mainly in the production sector. At the same time, there is no relationship between digital technologies used in the management system and the production system, which negatively affects both the effectiveness of current and innovative activities, while research by foreign authors shows an increase in profitability as a result of the synergistic effect of simultaneous digital transformation of the management system and production. Results. A conceptual approach to digitalization of innovative activities of domestic enterprises has been proposed, based on synchronous, dynamic, complementary digital transformation of the production and management spheres. It will ensure the achievement of the goals set.

Competence Approach as the Basis for Entrepreneurial Universities Development in the National Innovation System

Introduction. The Integration of Russian entrepreneurial universities into the knowledge geo-economic space requires the universities and faculty competencies formation in the field of entrepreneurial activity. Theoretical analysis. The works of domestic and foreign scientists and practitioners in the field of educational sphere entrepreneurship theories are studied, theoretical approaches to entrepreneurial University profile formation are considered, the basis of which is determined by the faculty. Empirical analysis. The author’s version of the Russian Entrepreneurial University formation concept is presented; principles defining the vector of its strategic development: consumer orientation, strong leader, collegiality, uniqueness, continuous development, strong control, diversification of activities are formulated and characterized. Results. The author’s approach to the formation of a theoretical competence model in an entrepreneurial university has been developed, the forms of entrepreneurial activity of a modern Russian university to generate economic results have been defined, general professional competencies of teachers and universities functioning in a global environment have been formulated.

The Specifics of the Transaction Costs in Line with the Formation of the Innovation Economy

Introduction. In the heart of the analysis of this article are problems of innovation economy that most clearly characterizes the existence of transaction costs. Over time, the structure of the transaction costs has evolved: in the information economy occupy a significant proportion of the costs of searching for information and costs of measurement in the knowledge economy is gradually gaining weight the costs of negotiating and concluding contracts. With the last quarter of the twentieth century, a particularly important place in the system of transaction costs took the cost of specification and the protection of property rights, as well as the cost of training and retraining of personnel, satisfying the needs of innovation. Theoretical analysis. Of the total transaction cost economic agents depends on their competitiveness in domestic and international markets, because lower costs enable innovative enterprises to carry out their activities efficiently, constantly modifying the escaping product. This gives the opportunity to occupy a privileged position compared with other companies who are forced to spend a large part of their profits not on improving technologies and to cover transaction costs. Therefore, it is important to not only the theoretical substantiation of the need to address the issue of transaction costs, but also offer practical ways to track the dynamics of this kind costs to reduce them. Results. Reviewed by transaction costs accompanying the interaction of economic actors in the transition of the Russian economy on an innovative path, as well as factors which complicates the measurement of transaction costs. Identified obstacles to the emergence of an innovative economy in our country. Proposed a series of measures to effectively reduce the transaction costs.


Введение. В современной экономике, когда на первый план по своей актуальности выходят вопросы формирования ее эффективной структуры, обеспечения устойчивого роста и развития, очевидна потребность в критическом разборе моделей эконо- мического роста и всестороннем анализе его факторов. Теоретический анализ. В статье рассматриваются как базовые модели экономического роста, так и новые модели, в которых движущим фактором экономического роста выступают иннова- ции, являющиеся результатом производства такого специфи- ческого сектора современной экономики, как сектор научных исследований и разработок. Обсуждается вопрос взаимосвязи научного, материаль но-вещественного и кадрового потенциалов современной экономики, представляющейся важным фактором ее инновационного развития. Заключение. Отражая сущность общественного производства в динамике, экономический рост на современной фазе развития имеет своим главным фактором инновации, являющиеся продуктом и результатом интеграции интеллектуального и материально-вещественного капитала. Данный факт подтверждается существующими современными моделями экономического роста, устанавливающими функциональную зависимость между ростом производства и научно-техническим прогрессом.


Введение. Определение вклада университета в экономическое развитие региона необходимо для стимулирования инноваци- онной деятельности, реализуемой университетами, а также для осуществления государственного регулирования деятельности университетов, что требует более глубокого анализа иннова- ционной активности региональных университетов. Развитие инновационной экономики и постоянный мониторинг инноваци- онной активности региональных организаций требует комплекс- ного подхода, применения математических и инструментальных средств анализа. Методы. В статье предложен комплексный подход к решению проблемы оценивания вклада университетов в экономическое развитие региона. Выполнен анализ связи до- ходов университета с его ресурсной базой и построена мульти- пликативная модель зависимости от формирующих эти доходы показателей. Предметом исследования являются индикаторные и функциональные модели, позволяющие оценить вклад уни- верситетов в региональное инновационное развитие. Разрабо- тан экономико-математический инструментарий для анализа и оценивания вклада университета в экономическое развитие региона. Результаты. Проведены вычислительные экспери- менты по данным Росстата на примере Астраханской области. Рассмотрены важные показатели деятельности вузов, произве- дено структурное и кластерное деление показателей. Выявлены зависимости результативного показателя (доходы вузов) от фор- мирующих их факторов. Рекомендации могут применяться для рационализации финансирования инноваций, способствующих повышению качества экономического развития регионов за счет влияния университетов.

Factors Affecting the Innovative Development of the Region

Introduction. The problems of determining the composition of the factors influencing the innovative development of the region, the methodologies for measuring this influence and the development of tools for its evaluation are relevant in the context of developing potential mechanisms for stimulating regional innovation activity in modern conditions. Theoretical analysis. To study the sources of the difference in the level of innovative development in the region, an analysis of the regional factors affecting it is carried out and the directions for studying these factors are determined. Empirical analysis. The mechanism of influence of regional factors on the innovative development of the region, such as R&D staff, the industrial specifics of the region, urbanization, the sectoral structure of the economy, the structure and quality of human capital, research institutes, financial resources, the attractiveness of the region in terms of a set of living conditions business, as well as the interaction of the actors of the innovation system, the “innovation environment” and partnerships. Results. Evaluation of the effectiveness of innovative development requires the development of special indicators and indicators, a system of quantitative and qualitative indicators that characterize innovation development, and the approaches presented to the selection of factors of influence on the innovative development of the region can be used as a basis for further analysis and development of models for assessing the effectiveness of regional innovation development.

Review of Modern Tools for Innovative Development Impact Assessment

Introduction. The problem of evaluating the performance of universities is exacerbated when it is required to quantify the efficiency of universities. To date, the search for methods of integrated assessment of the contribution of universities to the development
of regional innovation systems based on the relevant scorecard. Theoretical analysis. The basis of the technique of the contribution of universities in the evaluation of innovative development of the regions should be correctly selected scorecard constructed in such a way that they yield to quantify and were directed to assess the performance of universities on the location of the regions, it is important that considerations of accuracy and reliability of the assessment made. Empirical аnalysis. Based on the initial analysis of basic and specific parameters of 15 modern tools to assess the development of innovative techniques highlighted elements relevant for the construction the model of university’s impact assessment to innovative development. Results. The analysis outlined the possible elements for the construction of model of the university’s impact assessment. Regional innovation development: the system of indicators used to quantify the main innovation trends. Relevant objectives of the study is also the most common form of organization as large-scale evaluation of the analytical research method and index ranking of selected objects of study.
