
Formation of Indicators Characterizing the Adaptive Properties of Logistics Systems

The article takes up the issues of the basic approaches to the formation of indicators of the level of adaptation of logistics systems. The concrete indicators of the level of adaptation, by which it becomes possible to analyze the degree of accordance of organizational structures of logistics systems and external environment, are proposed. Theoretical analysis. For the analysis of the level of adaptation properties it is necessary to develop indicators that directly reflect the process of adapting logistic systems to changes in the external environment. In practice, it is important to know the unorganized logistics system, as it gives the operational information about the quality of the organization and function of the elementary concepts of disorder. Disorganization – is generalized for the considered number of possible situations, timing characteristics of disorder, weighted by a factor of importance (in the sense of «inferiority») of its manifestation in relation to certain performance of the system. The results of the study. The paper shows the indicators that allow to analyze the institutional structure of logistics systems and the external environment. The target entropy is considered as the mathematical model of the process of adaptation of logistical system to the working conditionals. Index organization is marked out as a criterion for assessing the degree of adaptation of logistic system to the (external) environment. Conclusions. Disorganization of operation is the result of the impact of the environment on the control object, while the organization is a quantitative measure of the ability to adapt to the effects of environmental factors and can be also offered as a criterion for assessing the level of adaptation of the logistics system to disturbing influences of the environment.

Integrated development problems of the oil and gas complex logistics infrastructure

Introduction. The effective operation of industrial production, transport and processing facilities depends directly on the logistics infrastructure. This is confirmed by a significant share of logistics infrastructure costs in the investment programs of vertically integrated companies. Theoretical analysis. A theoretical study of the logistics infrastructure, its current state and prospects for development is carried out, the types of logistics infrastructure and areas of responsibility are analyzed: supply, intra-industry support and sales. Theoretical research methods were used, and the analysis of different types of logistics infrastructure designed for specific purposes at different stages of the life cycle in the supply chains of the investment project was performed. Еmpirical analysis. The possibility of reverse use of logistics infrastructure facilities, i.e., for the supply of oil and gas facilities and the sale of processed products, is analyzed. The concept of logistics infrastructure is specified, which allows to specify their share in investment costs. Results. The approach proposed by the authors will allow to take into account the importance of integrated construction of the logistics infrastructure of the Arctic region of Russia in the foreseeable future, increase the efficiency of investments, and further reduce costs at the stage of operation and elimination of industrial and social facilities.


Введение. Обоснована актуальность оценки эффективности логистической деятельности на современном этапе экономиче- ского развития, касающаяся как традиционной, так и сервисной логистики. Показано, что развитие сервисной логистики, опре- деляющей постановку деятельности предприятий сферы услуг на логистическую платформу, делает еще более значимыми во- просы систематизации показателей, оценивающих эффектив- ность. Теоретический анализ. Проанализированы совре- менные подходы к определению эффективности и выделены два основных подхода: экономо-ориентированный и целе-ори- ентированный, приоритет применения которых определяется масштабом субъекта хозяйствования. Рассмотрены существу- ющие показатели для оценки эффективности логистической деятельности предприятия. Рекомендовано использование си- стемы соответствующих показателей, определяющих функцио- нальные и обеспечивающие слагаемые логистики предприятия. Результаты. Применительно к деятельности предприятия сферы услуг c учетом положений сервисной логистики предло- жена конкретная «лестница показателей», включающая четыре ступени: 1) показатели, отражающие возможность посещения клиентами предприятия сферы услуг (потенциальное переме- щение клиентов); 2) показатели, отражающие уровень матери- ально-технической базы и квалификации персонала (потенциал обслуживания; 3) показатели, отражающие уровень реального обслуживания (степень удовлетворенности клиентов); 4) по- казатели, отражающие доходность предприятия (финансовые результаты деятельности).