methods of management innovation
Appoaches to the Development of Commodity Sector Russia |
Introduction. Problematic issues of economic growth based on the development of the commodity sector are relevant for Russia due to the fact that the added value of primary industry generates significant share of gross domestic product. Economic development of the country at all levels of government depends on the competitive advantages of the industrial complex and primarily raw materials sector. Theoretical analysis. The article presents the methodological aspects of the theory of imitation and innovation in the framework of endogenous growth theory to study the dynamics of innovation development in developing and transition economies. In the framework of the theory is justified, for Russia optimal point of economic growth are high-tech sector, who is at the stage of innovation development. Studied the interdependence of innovation and competition. Justified by the impact of state orders for the development of innovation in Russia. Discussion of results. A scheme for the implementation of government programs to improve the system of public procurement through subsidies and concessional lending resources sector. Proposed direct and indirect methods of management innovation resources sector. The basic directions of development of innovation in the form of the commodity sector of the state order. Typology of regions held by the criterion of subsidies. Methodical approaches to mathematical modeling of economic growth and stability in the region on the basis of the research potential of the region and the number of region-of subjects and objects. Justified determinants of positive and negative effects of economic growth and the need for restructuring of industrial sectors on the basis of intellectual, technological and geographical competitive advantage. |
Номер журнала 496 |