многоугольник конкурентоспособности
Enterprises Competitiveness Improvement Based on the Choice of Strategic Development Alternatives |
Introduction. The competitiveness of the enterprise has been and remains the main factor of the enterprise’s success and its good position in the market. The importance of assessing the competitiveness of machine-building enterprises and creating a mechanism to increase it is enhanced in the context of economic sanctions of Western countries against Russia, the need for import replacement and modernization of domestic production. Theoretical analysis. Improving the mechanism for managing the competitiveness of a machine-building enterprise includes highlighting the industry-specific features of machine-building as a branch of production and the features of the market for machine-building products. The research methodology is an integrated approach to assessing the competitiveness of a machine-building enterprise, including a methodology and a matrix for analyzing strategic alternatives for the development of a machine-building enterprise (ASAR matrix), developed on the basis of the SPASE-methodical approach. Empirical analysis. The factor analysis was used to identify strategic alternatives for the development of the enterprise. This made it possible to assess the strength of the relationship and interdependence of the main development factors in modern conditions of international economic sanctions, to clarify the elements of the competitiveness management system of a machine-building enterprise, to identify strategic alternatives to the development of a machine-building enterprise in modern conditions. A comprehensive assessment of the competitiveness of a machine-building enterprise was carried out on the basis of an expert assessment of 41 strategic alternatives. The method of comparative analysis, the graphic method and such traditional methods for assessing the competitiveness of products such as SPACE analysis and the KFU method are used as the main research methods. Results. The methodology and results of the analysis of the current competitiveness of an enterprise based on the construction of a matrix of strategic development alternatives are presented. The use of recommendations concerning the choice of a strategic direction of competitive struggle in the practical activity of an enterprise and strengthening the competitiveness of an enterprise as a whole will increase its resistance to external shocks and impacts and will ensure the solution of the tasks of improving business processes. |
Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Economics. Management. Law, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 2 |