
Specific of Evaluation of Innovative Projects Effectiveness Using Portfolio Approach

The paper considers the problem of evaluating the effectiveness of innovative projects, proposed the use of the expected commercial value, and provides risk assessment model for innovative projects.

Forming a model for assessing economic security in conditions of digital transformations

Introduction. New economic conditions today are reflected in the development of the digital economy and determine the need to develop new methods of assessment, management, ways to attract specialists. In this article, an attempt was made to formulate a model for assessing economic security in the context of digital transformation, showing how the introduction of digital technologies contributes to the growth of real industry indicators and indicators and economic security. Theoretical analysis is based on the assumption that the effectiveness of digital transformations is expressed through the rate of change in the economic security indicators of a particular industry. For example, the agro-industrial complex was chosen as the key one in the field of maintaining the food and economic security of Russia. The model for assessing the economic security of innovation activity includes four stages: the formation of a set of indicators that characterize the level of digital development of the industry; construction of a reference series and ranking of indicators; comparison of the actual ranking series with the reference ranking series, calculation of the development coefficient; interpretation of the digital transformations’ economic security assessment results. Empirical analysis. The results obtained indicate that there are pathological problems in the industry that cannot be resolved through digitalization, this is proved by the development coefficient trend: there is an outstripping growth of investment in digital development against the backdrop of weakly growing intra-industry indicators; there is a decrease in the real disposable income of the population against the backdrop of rising inflation, which affects the purchasing power of the population; in the agro-industrial complex there is a high level of depreciation of fixed assets. Conclusions. The use of the economic security assessment model quite informatively reflects the current realities of economic development. The results of the assessment showed the presence of crisis phenomena in the industry and its grave condition. A way of solving the existing problems can be the increase of economic security both at the level of the state and industry, and at the level of a single organization.

About the Economic Indicator’s Approximation by Method Based at the P. L. Chebyshev’s Investigations and it’s Generalizing

This paper is devoted to the uniform method of economic indicator’s approximation based at the P. L. Chebyshev’s investigations.

Methodological Tools Formation for Regional Innovative Agrosystems Research

Introduction. In the context of the transition to an export-oriented economy, the innovative development of the agricultural sector is a non-alternative tool for ensuring the state national security. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses the theoretical and methodological aspects of the regional innovative agricultural systems’ formation in the context of the national innovation system concept. The economy’s modern agricultural sector transformation into an innovative agricultural system within the framework of the NIS requires the development of a methodology and tools for researching the regional agricultural systems innovative development. Empirical analysis. Based on the analysis and assessment of the agro-industrial complex innovative development dynamics, a connection was revealed between the intensification of the integration institutional interaction of the innovation process’ subjects and the growth of agribusiness’ innovative activity. Results. Methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of regional agricultural systems based on the principles of balanced integration between the state, science and education, agribusiness, taking into account regional needs and spatial heterogeneity, have been developed. A list of key indicators for assessing the innovative potential of regional agricultural systems is proposed. The construction of integrated development indices for regional innovative agricultural systems will allow a typology of regions to be leading and catching up and develop targeted mechanisms to stimulate innovative activity in the agro-industrial complex in the context of a transition to a model of export-oriented agricultural economy.

The Rating Method of Complex Socio-Economic Development of Municipalities in Russian Regions

Introduction. Municipalities of the Russian Federation as well as Russian regions face the socio-economic development inequality at present. The study of the socio-economic situation at the level of municipalities and the complex socio-economic development rating estimation meets the needs of local governments. Theoretical analysis. The complex municipal socio-economic development rating method has been developed in the research at comparison of the main approaches to socio-economic territories’ ratings. The main methods of economic rating of the territories were analyzed and advantages and deficiencies of each were defined. The use of the integrated rating assessment method was substantiated in the article. Empirical analysis. The method of complex rating evalution has been proposed in the research. The proposed method Управление 313 is based on private ratings, which are estimated by the relative indicators that characterize economic development, investment activity, social sphere development and the standard of living of the population. Results. The approbation results of the offered method are presented. Private ratings of socio-economic development of municipal areas in the Saratov region were calculated and an integral rating of complex socio-economic development of these municipalities in 2017 was estimated. Discussion of the achieved results is presented.


Введение. Обоснована актуальность оценки эффективности логистической деятельности на современном этапе экономиче- ского развития, касающаяся как традиционной, так и сервисной логистики. Показано, что развитие сервисной логистики, опре- деляющей постановку деятельности предприятий сферы услуг на логистическую платформу, делает еще более значимыми во- просы систематизации показателей, оценивающих эффектив- ность. Теоретический анализ. Проанализированы совре- менные подходы к определению эффективности и выделены два основных подхода: экономо-ориентированный и целе-ори- ентированный, приоритет применения которых определяется масштабом субъекта хозяйствования. Рассмотрены существу- ющие показатели для оценки эффективности логистической деятельности предприятия. Рекомендовано использование си- стемы соответствующих показателей, определяющих функцио- нальные и обеспечивающие слагаемые логистики предприятия. Результаты. Применительно к деятельности предприятия сферы услуг c учетом положений сервисной логистики предло- жена конкретная «лестница показателей», включающая четыре ступени: 1) показатели, отражающие возможность посещения клиентами предприятия сферы услуг (потенциальное переме- щение клиентов); 2) показатели, отражающие уровень матери- ально-технической базы и квалификации персонала (потенциал обслуживания; 3) показатели, отражающие уровень реального обслуживания (степень удовлетворенности клиентов); 4) по- казатели, отражающие доходность предприятия (финансовые результаты деятельности).