региональная экономика
Economic Independence of Regions in System of Economic Relations |
In given article economic independence of regions is presented as result of development of market relations, the role of economic inde‑ pendence in воспроизводственных processes at level of regions, in realization of intraregional and inter-regional economic communica‑ tions is shown. Factors and principles of development of economic independence of regions are besides considered. |
Известия Саратовского университета. Новая серия. Серия «Экономика. Управление. Право», 2011, Т. 11, вып. 1 |
Regional Development in a Context of Reproductive Approach |
In article the general characteristic of regional reproduction is given, its distinctive features and a place in system of public reproduction are shown. It is proved that realization reproductive process at regional level corresponds to market principles of the organization of the economy, expressed in an effective utilization of economic potential of national economy of Russia. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2012, vol. 12, iss. 2 |
System Approach to the Professional Orientation in Region |
The professional orientation of the population (POP) is considered as one of the key factors in the formation of a civilized labor market, maintenance of a rational employment, creating conditions for improving the quality of working life for able-bodied citizens. The article raises a problem of the assessing quality of the realization of this system at the regional level. Theoretical analisis. selection of a systematic approach for the analysis follows from the name of the system. POP is considered as a set of interrelated components which has resources as input, target as output, the connection with the environment and feedback. Considering of POP begins with human resources which as a result should acquire new qualities that allow them to reach optimum combination of personal desires and social needs in the field of the professional employment. Research description. We conducted a survey of 11 experts who were asked to describe the POP in the Saratov region using two parameters: the degree of scientific, administrative and informational involvement of the subjects of career counseling, and the nature of the interaction between an POP subjects. Results. The results of the study indicate that POP of the Saratov region from the system position is not highly effective because the main principle of the integrity has not been considered. Subjects of the career counseling that form it aren’t bound together closely. There is an imbalance in the scientific, administrative and informational supplying in the work of individual subjects of career counseling. Therefore, the ultimate efficiency of POP is low. Conclusions. It is necessary to study POP from the standpoint of an interdisciplinary approach to create the basis of the development of principal federal programs and federal model system for career guidance for implementation in the Russian Federation with a regional focus, to develop an arrangement of legal and management solutions that will coordinate the cooperation of all subjects of POP. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3(2) |
Asymmetry of Structural Development Economy of Russian Regions |
Introduction. The article examines the asymmetry of the development of the economic structure of Russian regions. It is caused by unevenness, multidirection, differences in qualitative and quantitative characteristics, and a temporary dichotomy of structural shifts in terms of the spatial structure of the country’s economy. Theoretical analysis. The author considers the concepts of symmetry and asymmetry of the economic structure of the region, as well as structural shifts in the regional economy. Various approaches of the asymmetry of the territorial economic structure measuring are studied, in particular, the method of deviation from standard parameters and the balance method. A comparative analysis of the asymmetry of the economic structure of Saratov and Samara regions is carried out. The author notes the development of the automobile industry in Samara and the electric power industry in the Saratov region that goes beyond symmetry. At the same time, these imbalances can have a positive impact, complementing each other in the process of cooperation of regional economic structures. Results. From the point of view of the theory of comparative advantages, it is concluded that asymmetric structural shifts within regions can lead to an increase in structural symmetry in interregional economic systems. At the same time, there is a synergetic interaction of the structure of the economy of different regions, which leads to an increase in productivity and efficiency of the national economy as a whole. |
Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Economics. Management. Law, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 4 |
Interregional Disproportions of Socio-Economic Development as Seen Through the Prism of Basic Theories of Regional Economy |
Introduction. The socio-economic development of Russia is characterized by the presence of inter-regional imbalances that lead to the destabilization of a single economic space, crisis phenomena and economic losses. Theoretical analysis. The article outlines the main ideas of some basic theories of the regional economy in terms of substantiating inter-regional disparities in socio-economic development. It is shown that these theories should underlie the understanding of a natural, insurmountable factor of disproportions of territorial development and social inequality existence, which is associated with competitive advantages, location of economic activity and forms of settlement in the economic space. It is proved that inter-regional disparities in socio-economic development lead to inefficient use of economic space and the formation of local markets in regions characterized by significant differences. Results. Appealing to the theoretical heritage of the regional economy in order to search for objective reasons and identify trends and uneven socio-economic development of regions in modern Russia will allow you to choose the right strategy for managing regional development and minimize the negative effects of interregional differentiation. |
Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Economics. Management. Law, 2019, vol. 19, iss. 1 |
Введение. Социально-экономическое развитие современной России возможно только благодаря реализации идеи само- развития регионов на основе эффективного использования их экономического потенциала. Исследование данной проблемы – это поиск наиболее действенных способов гармонизации экономических, финансовых отношений, поиск способов преодоления финансово-экономического кризиса в регионах России и выхода на траекторию экономического роста. Теоретический анализ. В статье акцентируется, что саморазвитие регионов способствует активизации использования их экономическо- го потенциала, получения ими необходимых экономических и финансовых ресурсов, созданию условий для перевода регио- нальной экономики в режим финансового самообеспечения на основе лучшего использования имеющихся в распоряжении ресурсов. Обосновывается, что некоторые регионы имеют объективные преимущества в реализации концепции саморазвития благодаря таким условиям, как природа, климат, географическое положение, отраслевая структура, реализация важных го- сударственных программ на их территории и т.д. В то же время доказывается, что не каждый регион обладает способностью к саморазвитию, не важно каким экономическим потенциалом он обладает. Результаты. Данное исследование дает возможность оценить складывающийся процесс саморазвития регионов с учетом использования их экономического потенциала. |