
Unevenness analysis of agricultural production in Russia

Introduction. Agriculture affects the food, economic and social security of the country. The unevenness of agricultural production is due to natural, climatic and economic factors, for example, the enlargement of enterprises, the introduction of efficient means and production technologies. The increase in territorial unevenness can lead to a shortage of food, its rise in price due to transport markup. Unevenness in the size of organizations also has socio-economic implications. The efficiency of agricultural production is growing, but competition and entrepreneurial activity are decreasing. An increase in social tension is possible in case of a single enterprise bankruptcy. Theoretical analysis. To assess the territorial unevenness of agricultural production, the Gini coefficient and the Lorenz curve were used. The unevenness of organizations in terms of revenue was estimated basing on the ABC analysis and the Pareto curve. Еmpirical analysis. Subjects of the Russian Federation with a predominance of forestry, hunting, fishing and fish farming were excluded from the analysis. The Gini coefficient for the GVA of the regions of the Russian Federation in 2018 was 0.45, and in 2008 – 0.48. The territorial unevenness of agricultural production in 2009–2018 has slightly decreased. The Russian Federation regions typology made it possible to identify favorable, risky and unfavorable regions for agriculture and animal husbandry. Results. A significant unevenness of agricultural production both in the territorial context and in the size of organizations was revealed. For 2009–2018, territorial unevenness has decreased. The ABC analysis showed that 80% of revenue from the type of agricultural activity accounted for only 10.9% of active enterprises.

Control of Passengers in Commuter Train: the Intensity and Interest Coverage

Solving the problem of building cash activity on
commuter trains, which will provide a high level of coverage of
passengers on all trains route, can be considered from the point of
view of productivity of supervisors. Passengers trains represent the
requirements for service on the part of supervisors. They come in a
railroad train at stops and leave the train, serving their supervisors
or not. This process is convenient to describe position of queueing
theory. Theoretical analysis. Discusses achieving full payment
for the carriage of passengers, with different levels of coverage. An
analysis on suburban passenger rail, cash flows pay their passage,and monitoring to ensure the collection of tolls from the stowaways.
Results. Accepted passengers not uniform along the length of the
route. The vast majority of passengers should be on small distances
and mainly around major stations, generating and absorbing the
flows of passengers. Time to move trains on this site not long lasting.
Ensuring continuous monitoring of passengers transported in
commuter trains may subject local tactics maneuvering strength
of controlling group focus on filling the carriages and the intensity
of the rotation process passengers.