сфера услуг

The Development of Modern Market-based Instruments as a Basis for Improving the Competitiveness of Road Transport Services

In article modern position of a transport complex of Russian Federation is considered and the classification of market tools providing increase of competitiveness motor transportation mustache-meadow is proved. Necessity of optimum use of various market instrument tools with a view of maintenance and effective functioning, both the separate motor transportation enterprise, and motor transportation system as a whole is proved.

Economic Mechanism of Managing the Regional Service Sector

The pace of development of the service sector needs the thorough study of the mechanisms of managing this particular segment of national economy. The authors of the article characterize the economic mechanism of managing service sector and describe the techniques and tools of management.

Methods of Government Development of Services

Rationale of scientific approaches to the development of federal regulation of the service sector is the greatest difficulties in Russia as state policy until recently denied the need to intervene in this area. Methods. The development of the service involves the allocation of sectors and areas of activity, which, being socially relevant, require federal financial or regional financial help, and those that can evolve independently on the basis of entrepreneurial activity, but need a federal and state tax benefits. The methods proposed federal selective policy in the service sector. Conclusions. Development of targeted federal programs must be preceded by the selection of social policies that require this management approach. Necessary to carry out the federal target program for the development of the service industry, policy makers of the state in regard to this area, divide the service industry groups in the degree of social importance and the need for intervention by the federal and regional authorities in their functioning and work against them self-control techniques to develop leverage management to ensure normal reproductive process.