следы выстрела

Firearms of Limited Damage on the Basis of the Tula Tokarev (TT) Pistol and Features of the Deposition of Shot Products on Obstructions of Non-biological Origin when Fired from Close Range

Introduction. One of the types of limited-fire barreled weapons (LLW) is the limited liability company created at the manufacturing enterprises of Russia’s limited liability company on the basis of models and models of short-barreled combat firearms (pistols and revolvers), by introducing into the design a sample of short-barreled combat firearms of the factory making changes made by legal replacement of its trunk under a regular cartridge on the trunk (imitator of the trunk) under the cartridge of a traumatic action, or adaptation trunk at regular cartridge for firing a cartridge traumatic preserving other original parts and components (shutter-casing frame of the trigger) of the arms of the sample, with the subsequent certification of the arms as a new model LLW. To models LLW, designed and produced in Russia in this way, it is possible to attribute and OOOP on the basis of a combat rifled short-barreled firearm – a pistol of the Tokarev design of the sample 1930/1933. (“TT – Tula Tokarev”) of caliber 7,62 mm (LLW on the basis of a pistol TT). In the current literature there is practically no data on the structural features of the trunks or imitators of the trunks of the LLW on the basis of the TT pistol and on the morphological features of the traces of the shot and the limiting distances in the detection of the traces of a shot from it on non-biological (tissue) barriers, as a result of which experiments were undertaken to establish the distance of detection of traces of a shot from the barrel of the LLW on the basis of the TT gun, and the study of the patterns of deposition of the shot products on the barrier, depending on t structural features of the trunk of LLW based on the TT gun and other factors (used regular traumatic cartridge). Methods of research. Experimental part. In the course of the work, certain structural features of the trunks of various models of LLW were built on the basis of the TT pistol (MP-81 pistol and the Leader-M pistol), after which the standard models of traumatic action of the corresponding caliber were fired from experimental models tissue targets from various distances from the muzzle of the trunk (or imitator of the trunk) of the weapon to the surface of the target (from 5 to 50 cm) and with the relatively tight contact of the muzzle of the barrel of the weapon with the outside The target is the target. Results of the study. The dependence of the picture of the deposition of the shot products (shot soot and unburned or half-burned particles of gunpowder) on the tissue barrier from the caliber and the design features of the barrel (imitator of the barrel) of the LLW models on the basis of the TT gun with shots from a close distance. Discussion of results. The possibility of producing differential diagnostic studies of gunshot injuries on fabric barriers formed during shots from individual models of LLW based on the TT pistol, depending on the caliber of the cartridge and the structural features of the barrel (imitator of the barrel), with the establishment of a close shot distance in the case of using or using this type weapons, allowing to distinguish them on the basis of these damages. The need to continue research work on the study of structural features of the trunks of other models of LLW based on the TT pistol (pistol “VPO-501 PS – Leader” under the cartridge of the traumatic action 10x32T, equipped with two rubber bullets, pistol TT-T under patron of the traumatic action 10x28T) and especially the formation of gunshot injuries on the fabric barriers for shots from these weapons models.

Problems of Criminalistic Evaluation of the Place of Accidents as Object of Diagnostic Forensically-Ballistic Expert Research

Introduction. When investigating crimes committed with the use of small arms and gas barreled weapons, it is often necessary to carry out expert studies of not only individual objects (weapons, cartridges, traces of their operation), but also the material situation of the scene as a whole. Theoretical analysis. The problem of forensic assessment of the scene of an accident as an object of scientific and practical cognition is examined through analysis of the existing in forensic knowledge of the essence of expert research at the scene and expert studies of the scene of the incident. It is established that the concepts “expert investigations at the scene” and “expert investigations of the scene” are used in a variety of ways. In solving scientific and practical problems, the possibility of their application is determined by the specific situation that develops in the course of the investigation of the crime, the organizational and methodological necessity of providing expert research. Based on the definition of the conformity of the category “material situation of the scene” to the essence of the methodology of cognition of such objects, the relationship between the concepts “scene of the accident” and “material situation of the scene”, it was concluded that in a number of cases the entire set of available information on the scene of the incident, including its material situation, for solving problems of situational order. Empirical analysis. The case of expert practice cited in the work illustrates the advisability of using an expanded list of forensically significant information about the scene of events to establish the event side of the crime under investigation. Results. The possibility of examining as the object of a diagnostic forensic-ballistic expert study not only the material situation of the scene, but also the site of the incident itself, the volume of criminally significant information of which can be expressed by the formula “material situation of the scene +” is proved. The expediency of distinguishing such a group of objects of expert research determines the cases of establishing the event party of the crime being investigated, when for an expert decision of the issue information is needed not only about the material situation of the scene, but also other forensically significant information.

The Influence of the Design of the Barrel Firearms Limited Destruction on the Deposition Product Shots for Shots at Close Distance over a Hedge Non-biological Origin

Introduction. The theme urgency is defined as prevalence in the territory of the Russian Federation barreled firearms limited destruction (major crimes), major crimes than the barrel and damage the projectiles had shot out of him, obstacles of a different nature is the objects of ballistic research during the investigation of various incidents related to the application or use of major crimes in the solution of diagnostic problems of expert determine the distance of the shot from the muzzle face to the obstacles and determine the type and model of firearm (major crimes), shot from where the damage formed on the barrier ( including the garments). Methodology of research. Experimental part. During the preparation of the work have been established certain design features of the barrels of various models of major crimes as the production of Russia (pistols, «Storm-51» and «Storm-21», MP-79-9TM, Mr-80-13T, LL, 81), and major crimes of foreign production («GRAND POWER T10»). Splitting the data models of major crimes into three groups on the basis of the design of the barrel wopp his muzzle (the front part), then out of the major crimes of these models was carried out shooting staff for them by cartridges of traumatic action corresponding experimental tissue fire at targets from different distances from the muzzle of the barrel of the gun to the target surface (from 5 to 100 cm) and at relatively close contact muzzle end of the barrel with the outer surface of the target. Results of study. Study of damage on targets and product shots on the surfaces of the targets, the dependence pattern of deposition of products of a shot (a shot soot and unburnt or semiburnt down particles of gunpowder) on the barrier fabric to the size and construction of the barrel barreled firearms limited destruction (major crimes) for shots at close range. Discussion of results. Practical recommendations. The possibility of production of differential diagnostic examinations of gunshot injuries at the tissue barriers formed by shots from major crimes, depending on its type, caliber and cartridge design features of the trunk, with the establishment of a distance close shot in case of application or use of a weapon that allows to differentiate them on signs of data damage, which is especially important in the case of simultaneous use or the use of various models of major crimes. Noted the need for a centralized collection of experimental damage to the target tissue, obtained, if possible, all samples and models of major crimes, and are certified in the legal turnover on the territory of the Russian Federation (RF) with subsequent dissemination in electronic form (in the form of electronic images) throughout the system of forensic institutions of the RF.


Введение. Необходимость повышения эффективности расследования преступлений сегодня все чаще требует привлечения ресурсов такой формы экспертного исследования, как комплексная экспертиза. В криминалистике и теории судебной экспертизы сформированы определенные научные представления в области природы комплексной экспертизы, ее характерных особенностей. Однако еще не до конца сняты во- просы в части понятия и признаков комплексной экспертизы, организации и методики ее производства, в том числе и комплексных диагностических экспертных исследований оружия, патронов и следов их действия. Цель и задачи исследова- ния. Целью исследования является совершенствование организационно-правового и методического обеспечения комплексных диагностических экспертных исследований оружия, патронов и следов их действия. Для решения поставленной цели следует уточнить понятие и признаки комплексной экспертизы, дать обоснование разновидностей комплексных диа- гностических экспертных исследований оружия, патронов и следов их действия, выявить характерные особенности методики их экспертного исследования. Методы и результаты. Проведен анализ нормативно-правовых источников в области назначения и производства судебных экспертиз, криминалистической литературы, а также материалов современной практики экспертного исследования оружия, патронов и следов их действия. Проведенное исследование показало, что признаками комплексной экспертизы являются, во-первых, факт участия в производстве экспертизы экспертов разных специальностей, а во-вторых, участие всех членов экспертной комис- сии в обсуждении полученных результатов и формулировании общих выводов. Исходя из предмета комплексной диагностической экспертизы оружия, патронов и следов их действия, автор выделяет следующие ее разновидности: судебно-баллистическую и судебно-медицинскую; судебно-баллистическую и экспертизу материалов, веществ и изделий (физико-химическую). Заключение. Полученные результаты создают условия для эффективного использования научных знаний о комплексных диагностических экспертных исследованиях оружия, патронов и следов их действия в практической деятельности судебных экспертов, дознавателей, следователей и судей при назначении, производстве экспертизы, оценке экспертных выводов участниками уголовного судопроизводства.