
Constitutional Obligation of Parents to Take Care of Children in the Russian Federation: Concept and Characteristics

The article focuses on a constitutional obligation of parents to take care of their children in the Russian Federation. This issue has not yet been thoroughly studied in the Russian constitutional law science despite vital importance of its key issues: child upbringing, financial support, education, health care, etc. The author gives definition of the given constitutional obligation and describes its characteristics. The author dwells on the concept and characteristics of this constitutional obligation.

evelopment of Some Aspects of Political and Legal Conceptions of Power in Europe

The article focuses on the concept of power in various doctrines of European countries and its functioning within the doctrines before the concept of institution of state based on the rule of law emerged.

The Role of the State in the Provision of Economic Safety of a Personality

The paper considers the role of the state in the provision of economic safety of a personality. It is tried to define the term «socio-economic policy» in detail. Special attention is paid to the issue of the place and role of the state in protection of the economic interests of the country on the whole and each person in particular.

Finance for the Social State

The article presents the research results of the roundtable participants of the Moscow international economic forum, held on 20-21 March in Moscow state University. Theoretical analysis. On the basis of empirical data are investigated sources of financing of the social sphere from the three major macroeconomic actors: States, firms, households have Shown the possibilities and restrictions of financing of the welfare state in the Russian economy. Methods: a systemic approach to the analysis of problems, applied methods of statistical analysis, a GUI method, analysis and synthesis. Results. Development of the social state in Russia requires the expansion of multi-channel financing of the social sphere on the basis of consolidation of all civil society structures. Of the state: the inconsistency of budgetary and socio-economic policy of the state is manifested in the reduction of social spending (budget 2013–2015) that contradict the objectives of development of the country. On the business side: the absence of effective incentives for the development of public-private partnerships and the development of CSR. By the households: investment opportunities are limited by the shortage of financial resources the majority of the population, the Lack of funding, inefficient use of financial resources of the social sphere, become a factor impeding social and innovative development of Russia.

The Russian Business Ombudsman Institution

The article considers the status of Business  Ombudsman in Russia. This topic is relevant because it is important for Russia today:  higher rates of the private sector, especially, of the small and medium businesses. In this regard, the hot topic for our country is protecting of businesses, in particular, their economic rights  in  their relations with the state.  Results.  In an article for the study of Business Ombudsman in Russia  apply scientific methods of analysis, synthesis,  method, system approach, the method  of the functional approach,  as well  as  private science methods:  statistic,  legalistic and comparative law.  The study the status of Business  Ombudsman in Russia  showed  that this institution has Constitutional status although it is not registered  in  the text  of Constitution of the Russian Federation.  Conclusion.  The Russian  Business  Ombudsman  Institution  is a new structure in the modeling of relations between the state and business  in the country.  Its activities  are extensive and specific and includes  such powers,  which could not be  implemented effectively in the work of the bodies  provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

Ideological neutrality and the principle of a secular state in the light of the amendments to the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 2020

Introduction. The existence and development of any society is impossible without its spiritual component, which is closely connected with religion, religious values and ideals in Russia. Despite the fact that in the secular Russian state, the official government remains ideologically neutral to all religions, religious denominations and religious organizations, the state and the Church are converging in the socio-cultural space. Theoretical analysis. The interaction between the state and religious organizations is not distorted and does not diminish the importance of the prinicples of the constitutional order bases – a secular state and ideological neutrality of the state, because the interaction has nothing to do with the implementation of state and religious power, does not affect the implementation of the functions and tasks of the state and the Church. Empirical analysis. For the first time, the Constitution of the Russian Federation, through the amendments made in 2020, enshrined religious values and ideals, faith in God as the spiritual and moral foundations of the historical development of the multinational people of Russia. This became possible due to the expansion of the interpretation of the categories of “ideological neutrality” and “secular nature of the state”. Results. The content of the principle of the secular state and its ideological neutrality is based on the religious presence in the public legal sphere.

The Foundation of the Agricultural Development State Regulation

Introduction. In addressing the issue of ensuring dynamic and sustainable socio-economic growth of the agricultural economy based on internal factors of competitiveness, the distribution of state support among agricultural producers is of particular relevance. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses the theoretical and methodological aspects of agricultural state regulation. The need for developing a methodological base and tools for improving the distribution system of subsidiary support for agriculture is scientifically substantiated. Empirical analysis. The analysis is carried out and the dynamics of agricultural financing and the results of agricultural production are estimated. Based on empirical analysis, it was found out that the level of state support is characterized by a tendency to increase the share of costs per unit of result in comparison with industries, which justifies the need to develop principles and a mechanism for improving the distribution of subsidiary support to agricultural producers. Results. Methodological approaches to state support for agriculture are developed, within the framework of which methods and forms of state support are formulated. A system of principles of state support for agricultural producers that meets the vectors of sustainable socio-economic growth is developed. The development of methodological approaches to the state support improvement and the forms of its distribution on industrial and regional levels, based on a set of copyright principles, will make it possible to find key indicators for the effectiveness assessment of the compensating and stimulating subsidy for the regional industrial agrosystems of all forms, factoring in with the achieved level of agricultural innovation. The practical implementation of these proposals will ensure the harmonious development of all types of agricultural products, reduce the gap between the regions in the development of agriculture, ensure the growth of investment in agriculture, as well as increase employment and income of the rural population.

Legal Problems of Interaction between the State and Political Parties in Modern Russia

Introduction. The article substantiates the judgment about the lack of regulation of the issue of interaction between the state and political parties: the law stipulates neither the principles nor the form, nor the order, nor the sphere of interaction of political parties with the state. There is no mechanism for taking into account and implementing the recommendations and proposals of political parties in the state management sphere, which makes it impossible for political parties to have a real impact on state policy. Meanwhile, the legislation on political parties contains the requirements for the establishment, activities of parties, as well as the system of state guarantees in the information, financial and other spheres.

The purpose is to justify the idea that one can speak of unilateral impact of the state on the parties rather than of parity interaction of the state and political parties.

Theoretical analysis. The legislative regulation of interaction between parties and the state is enshrined only in article 10 of the Federal law “On political parties” in the form of a ban on mutual influence on each other’s activities, which is clearly not enough for effective cooperation. Namely, it should be a condition for the full development of political and state-legal systems. The lack of clearly defined principles, forms and methods of interaction between the state and political parties led, firstly, to the state’s influence on political parties, primarily through the system of financial and information resources provided to the parties participating in the elections, and, secondly, to selective control over the activities of political parties, which leads to inequality of the actual situation of the latter.

Conclutions. The analysis of the Russian legislation has shown that the multidimensional goal of creation and activity of political parties in Russia cannot be realized, as political parties are in subordinate position when interacting with state, as there are no effective guarantees and mechanisms of influence on the state legal life.

The State Support of Small Business: Myth or Reality?

Introduction. Small business development has become one of the priorities of the economic policy of the country. This article led to the location and role of small business in today’s economy. Theoretical analysis. Small business is the locomotive of the economy of the country, it is a great force. Periodically creates favorable conditions for the prosperity of small businesses. The problem of building up this sector of the economy raised the authorities at all levels of management, and therefore reflected the changing regulatory framework. The purpose of the article is a study of the principles and methods of the State support of small business in Russia. Article is based on a dialectic-materialistic method, which includes historical and logical methods of cognition, the method of ascent from the abstract to the concrete. Results. Specifics and particularly significant problems of small business. Investigated the institutional aspects and the mechanism of realization of the State support of small business development. Main findings enrich the theory of government regulation of small business development and allow you to generate effective tools for implementing a system of State support for small entrepreneurship with a view to sustainable development.