судебно-баллистическая экспертиза
Some issues of evaluating the influence of silent shooting devices on the formation of traces on fi red bullets and fi red cases |
Introduction. The growing number of military and civilian models of firearms equipped with muzzle devices actualizes the expert diagnostics of the facts of using silent shooting devices during committing crimes by their traces on the fi red bullets and fi red cases. Theoretical analysis. Science has identifi ed a number of regularities of the eff ect of silent shooting devices on the mechanism of formation and characteristics of traces on bullets and cartridge cases. Among them are the abrasion and smoothing of traces of the barrel bore on bullets, the formation of traces of the body of homemade silent shooting devices when they are misaligned with the barrel bore, the malfunction of the weapon’s automation, which excludes the possibility of displaying traces of the refl ector and the ejection port on the cartridge cases. Empirical analysis. In order to identify new regularities of infl uence of silent shooting devices on the formation of traces on bullets and cartridge cases, a model scientifi c experiment was conducted. Experimental shooting was conducted from .366 TKM smoothbore rifl es models VPO-209 (Paradox) and AK-366 (Lancaster). The PBS-1 with a rubber obturator of a strong degree of wear was used as a silent shooting device. Cartridges of two types were equipped with lead bullets in a polymer shell, gunpowder “Sunar 7.62” and “Falcon”. Results. It is determined that lead bullets of cartridges undergo characteristic deformation when passing the rubber obturator of the silent shooting device. The body of the bullets stretches and bends, in some cases takes a spindle shape. Cases of partial destruction of bullets have been noted. It is proved that the smoothing of the relief of the traces of the barrel bore, characteristic of the contact interaction of a bullet with a rubber obturator, as well as the additional formation of obturator traces on the bullets do not prevent the identifi cation of fi rearms. Conclusions. The identifi ed regularities expand the possibilities of forensic ballistic examination in determining the facts of the use of silent shooting devices while committing crimes. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 2 |
Investigation of the circumstances of the shooting using three-dimensional photogrammetry |
Introduction. A promising direction in forensic practice is the use of three-dimensional modeling of objects to establish the circumstances relevant to the criminal case. Theoretical analysis. Photographs taken during the investigation could be used as a source of information to derive a three-dimensional model. Photogrammetry is a method that allows for the automated construction of three-dimensional models from images. The main data in three-dimensional photogrammetry should be the elements of external and internal orientation, coordinates in the photograph, and spatial coordinates. Еmpirical analysis. To build a three-dimensional model, photos from the crime scene submitted for forensic firearm examination were used to determine whether the situation described by the accused, suspect, corresponded to the objective mechanism of the accident. The main stages of model building in 3D photogrammetry software Agisoft Metashape were refl ected. Based on the procedural documents submitted for examination, the three-dimensional model refl ected the alleged location of the shooter and the victim, and the direction of the shots from the defendant’s words, as well as the likely direction of the shots in accordance with the wound channels and the situation. Discussion of results. There are essential advantages of three-dimensional photogrammetry: it does not require expensive and complex equipment, operates with photographs obtained during the investigation, constructs the whole area of an object in the frame, and allows for synthesizing data from various sources. However, the quality of the resulting models depends on the number of photographs and compliance with the rules of measurement and panning of objects. It is also important that the researcher skilled in the use of software tools to build three-dimensional models from photographic images is able to make adjustments at each stage. Conclutions. The possibility of producing a three-dimensional reconstruction of the crime and solving problems not only within forensic fi rearm examination, but also those kinds, with which it can be combined, is refl ected. |
Izv. Sarat. Univ. Economics. Management. Law, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 2 |
The Need for a Complex Scientific and Methodological Approach in Organizing Forensic Ballistic Research |
Introduction. The article touches upon the issues related to the need to implement a methodological relationship between judicial ballistic examination and one of the subtypes of medical and forensic examinations – forensic ballistic research, in forensic examinations and in conducting scientific research and methodological developments, and in professional training of specialists, which is expressed, first of all, in ensuring the uniformity of the conceptual and terminological apparatus and algorithms of forensic experts research facilities not related to the medical field. Theoretical analysis. The forensic medical study of living persons, corpses, their parts, organs and tissues is entirely based on the fundamental scientific and practical provisions of medical science and forensic medicine in particular. Results. An integrated approach is provided for the forensic use of special knowledge in criminal proceedings. |
Izv. Saratov Univ. (N. S.), Ser. Economics. Management. Law, 2020, vol. 20, iss. 2 |
Device for Experimental Shooting of Firearms and its Role in Providing Expert Research on Establishment of Circumstances of the Shot I. V. Latyshov Volgograd Academy of the Ministry of Interior of Russia, |
Introduction. In order to meet the objectives for establishment of circumstances of the shot, the process of experimental shooting when shooting firearms propose a new design of a special device, allowing to obtain more accurate information about the gunshot residue in studies of objects with a complex shape of the outer surface. The article provides a comparative study of the traces of the shot from a Kalashnikov AKS-74U on the currently used flat targets and targets, mounted on a removable element with the ability to take the desired shape of the outer surface. Theoretical analysis. Now several designs of devices for experimental firing which along with advantages have also essential shortcomings are known. The main difference of the device presented in article from known is existence of a compound frame for installation of the target containing a removable element which is made of high-plastic material earlier. It allows to repeat a form of the object presented for examination at the time of a criminal shot. Experimental part. The study consisted of experimental firing, evaluation of the morphology of gunshot injuries and comparison of the topography of the distribution of gunshot residue in the area of gunshot injuries. Discussion of results. The analysis of traces of a close shot on flat and curved targets has allowed to establish distinctions of signs of influence of a gas-powder stream, thermal and mechanical effect of powder grains, adjournment of a soot. Conclusions. Found that when firing AKS-74U on flat targets and targets that are installed on the removable element, bent to the desired shape, there are differences in the morphological characteristics of gunshot injuries and topography sediment traces close shot. Thus, the use of the proposed device, comprising a removable element for attachment of the target, the shape of which follows the shape of the outer surface of the investigated object allows to obtain more accurate information about the gunshot residue in studies of objects with a complex shape of the outer surface. |
Введение. Микроскопические методы исследования играют важную роль в судебно-баллистической экспертизе. Теоретический анализ. Для проведения линейных и угловых измере- ний следов полей нарезов на выстреленных пулях используют различные технические средства и приемы: окуляр-микрометры стереоскопических микроскопов, инструментальные измерительные микроскопы и пр. Однако названные средства не всегда позволяют эффективно решать поставленную задачу. Экспериментальная часть. В работе на основе проведенных экспериментальных исследований предложены рекомендации по использованию микроскопа МСП-1 и программы «Микро-анализ View» для измерения ширины и угла наклона следов полей нарезов на пулях в ходе проведения судебно- баллистических экспертиз. Результаты. Предложенные рекомендации позволяют сократить время исследования пуль и в целом обеспечивают решение задачи определения модели огнестрельного оружия. |
Номер журнала 371 |
Введение. Для судебно-баллистической экспертизы важно правильно реконструировать места применения огнестрельного оружия. Один из способов реконструкции основан на исследовании расположения стреляных гильз относительно окружающих предметов. Часто требуется установить факт вторичного отражения гильз от предметов окружающей обстановки, для чего необходимо найти место их соударения по оставшимся после этого микроследам. Цели и задачи. Целью является качественное исследование взаимопереходящих микроследов, возникающих как на стреляных гильзах, так и на жесткой преграде, о которую происходит вторичное отражение гильз. Методы. Исследования микроследов выстрела проводились методами электронной микроскопии с использованием сканирующего электронного микроскопа, снабженного приставкой химического элементного энергодисперсионного микроанализа. Следы повторного отражения на преградах и гильзе были получены экспериментальным путем. Предполагалось, что в результате взаимодействия продукты выстрела могли быть перенесены на преграду, а частицы преграды – на гильзу. Исследовались микроследы продуктов выстрела на жестких преградах и частицы покрытия преград на гильзе. Результаты. Исследование преград в месте соударения с ними гильз позволило обнаружить химические элементы, характерные для продуктов выстрела и не входящие в химический состав преграды. Когда характерные химические элементы преграды обнаруживались на гильзе, считалось, что произошел массоперенос частиц с преграды на гильзу. Когда характерные химические элементы выстрела обнаруживались на преграде, считалось, что произошел массоперенос частиц с гильзы на преграду. Были выявлены характерный вид и размеры частиц продуктов выстрела, которые чаще всего можно обнаружить на преграде в месте соударения с нею гильзы. Выявлено различие между ними и частицами покрытия преграды. Заключение. Исследования показали следующее: на стреляной гильзе обнаружить микрочастицы жесткой преграды сложнее, чем на самой преграде следы от гильзы; в месте соударения гильзы с преградой относительно легко выявить присутствие частиц, характерных для продуктов выстрела из огнестрельного оружия. |
Номер журнала 371 |