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Reshetnikovа E. G. Food Security in the New Risks: Development of Methods of Strategic Planning. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 1, pp. 23-?. DOI:

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Food Security in the New Risks: Development of Methods of Strategic Planning

Introduction. In modern conditions the functioning of the national food market especially important to improve methods of strategic planning aimed at sustainable development of agri-food complex.

Methods. Among the economic methods of strategic planning the most in demand balance, regulatory and program-target method. The article suggests the direction of development of each of these methods. According to the program-target method – strengthening the integrated approach and the social orientation of the formation of the parameters of the State program of agricultural development and regulation of agricultural products, raw materials and food. On balance method – the use of the modified model of interbranch balance agricultural complex, which allows to coordinate the parameters of incomes of the population in the context of social and family groups, the personal consumption of basic foodstuffs with the volume of production of agricultural products and food imports.

Empirical Analysis. The basic trends in the sphere of food consumption, a comprehensive analysis is based on two sources of information: a study of the main parameters of food consumption using statistical data of Rosstat; summary of the results of a sociological survey that was conducted in IAgP RAS in Saratov region.

Results. The result of a comprehensive study of the scope of food consumption is a study ways to improve methods of strategic planning of development of agribusiness in the global socio-economic instability.


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