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Introduction. Negative influence of environmental factors in recent years has caused a significant decline in the competitiveness of banking organizations operating in the Russian market. In the conditions of limited resources of the external environment, banks have the opportunity to build up competitive forces mainly through the professional use of internal capacity. Theoretical analysis is based on the assumption that the personnel policy that serves as the foundation for the effective use of the human resource of the organization can become a source of formation of the bank’s competitive advantages. The effect of personnel policy on the competitiveness of the bank as an instrument for controlling its level is investigated. Empirical analysis is based on the development of a research methodology that is based on the assumption that the type of personnel policy has a positive impact on the performance indicators of personnel management, which in turn affect the formation of the bank’s competitiveness parameters. The methodology of the analysis involves the use of sociological and statistical methods. Approbation of the methodology was carried out using the example of JSC “Rosselkhozbank”. Results. Based on the results of the analysis, an econometric model is obtained that proves that personnel policy is an effective tool for controlling the bank’s competitiveness. Application of the model in practical activities will allow JSC “Rosselkhozbank” to rank the importance and necessity of improving the directions of the personnel policy depending on the effect on the resulting feature.
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