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Gagarinskaia G. P., Gorbunova Y. N., Kalmykova O. Y., Kuznetcova I. G., Miuller E. V. Development of Monitoring Tools of Quality of Education for the Third Age. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2016, vol. 16, iss. 1, pp. 69-?. DOI:

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Development of Monitoring Tools of Quality of Education for the Third Age

Introduction. The development of educational programs for the third age allows increasing social activity of older people, improving their psycho-physiological condition, increasing physical activity, as well as the level of education for their integration into modern society. Considering that the contingent of students in the education centers of the third age has a rich experience of life, and age-specific changes in health status, it is important to organize a high level of quality of education, select teaching staff in order to implement the educational process. Development of tools for monitoring the quality of educationfor the third age will solve this problem.

Methods. Monitoring the quality of education traditionally is based on the process approach. Its characteristic is the of planning parameters and indicators of processes, availability of resources, the implementation of measures to achieve the planned monitoring and measurement of processes, and analysis of processes for efficiency. Instrumentation for monitoring the quality of the organization of training includes three components: first, an array of background information, formed by a set of current forms of operational and statistical observation; second, the methodology for calculating and summarizing monitoring indicators; third, the analysis methodology for set of indicators to assess the quality of education.

Results. The result of the study is a system of indicators of the quality of education for the third age (at the Training Center of Samara State Technical University for Third Age), which is built in a hierarchical manner, reflecting the quality of education in the context of the individual subsystems. As the top-level of hierarchy appears comprehensive consolidated indicator.


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