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Tarasov A. V., Gogleva K. Y. International judiciaries as subjects of supranational specialized control activities. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2022, vol. 22, iss. 4, pp. 464-472. DOI:

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International judiciaries as subjects of supranational specialized control activities

Introduction. In the context of the rapidly changing geopolitical situation in the world, the issue of increasing efficiency of interstate interaction within the framework of the functioning of international universal and regional organizations seems to be very relevant. Theoretical analysis. The authors prove the legitimacy of highlighting the control function as one of the main functions in the activities of international judicial subjects, the purpose of which is to protect natural law, law and preserve the principles and norms of international legal relations, including when considering disputes about the compliance of the domestic legislation of the participating countries with international agreements, which they have undertaken to comply with. Empirical analysis. The study provides a critical analysis of international jurisprudence, primarily containing the construction of the “European consensus”, which is a powerful lever of judicial activism and implies the exclusion of the possibility of applying the doctrine of freedom of appreciation of states that are parties to international agreements. Results. Consideration of international judicial subjects through the prism of the proposed scientific approach led to the conclusion about their leading role in the mechanism of protection of international treaties as an independent subject of specialized control activities, as well as their significant impact on the processes of state sovereignization and international globalization.

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