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Tikhonova S. V. Internet in the Objective Field of Legal Science: Problems of Theory. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 352-357. DOI:

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Internet in the Objective Field of Legal Science: Problems of Theory

The article deals with the formation of the theoretical Internet model in Russian legal science, it also discusses the implementation of communicative approach to the Internet law methodology. Results. In our opinion, the operationalization of the idealized object of the Internet is formed on the basis of its technical artifact properties. Russian information law methodologists ignore social aspects of the Internet. The current situation needs methodological adjustments, that will let the Internet to be considered as the part of the social reality and make the nature of the Internet legal relationships comprehensible. Discussion. Social aspects of the Internet need to be fixed at the theoretical level. The Internet has the ability to be a tool of any legal relationship establishment. Thus it will be appropriate to use the knowledge about models and types of Internet communication, accumulated be the communication science.

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