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Тюрина В. Ю. Marketing Strategy as a Factor of Transfers and Commercialization of Technologies . Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2015, vol. 15, iss. 2, pp. 161-165. DOI:

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Marketing Strategy as a Factor of Transfers and Commercialization of Technologies

Introduction. The relevance of the problem of the transfer of intellectual property is determined by the feature of the present stage of scientific and technical progress. Under the technology transfer involve the transfer (sale, exchange) of knowledge in order to organ ize the production of competitive products conforming to market needs. Marketing support innovation enterprise is a basic condition for the successful implementation of intellectual property. In order to innovative technologies have led to economic success, it should be very attentive to the problems of formation and implementation of the marketing strategy of technology transfer centers in the Russian Federation. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses the theoretical basis of the formation of the marketing strategy of technology transfer centers in the Russian Federation, the necessity of their development. Results. Give the characteristic features and problems specific to the transfer and commercialization of innovative technologies in the modern world. The authors designed a mechanism for constructing marketing strategies of technology transfer centers. Conclusion. Transfer and commercialization of innovative technologies involves activation of a completely new strategic competences elements of innovation infrastructure.Thus, for the development of the national innovation system is necessary to increase the rate of transfer of innovative technologies, and these processes should be systematic.


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