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Sereda V. I., Andreyuk N. V. Modern Trends of Protectionism in Regulation of International Trade. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 327-334. DOI:
Modern Trends of Protectionism in Regulation of International Trade
The use of protective tools is one of the most important and controversial trends in foreign policy, especially in the formulation of economic policies in developing countries and countries with economies in transition in contemporary geo-economic transformations. Theoretical analysis. Based on the analysis of the theory and practice of protectionist regulation aimed at supporting the normal functioning of the national market mechanism under the presence in the global market economies with different efficiency and opportunistic features are highlighted and the reasons for the positive and negative consequences of the use of protectionism. The study of modern mechanism of protection in the context of the functioning of the WTO and the development of the global market led to the conclusion of the irreversibility of reducing import tariffs, which, however, does not preclude the temporary introduction of customs tariffs in developed countries in a quite high rates of import duties, which are widely used in the context of anti-dumping and countervailing investigations. In addition, the financial crisis, climate change and the requirements for food safety have led to the increased use of non-tariff instruments in the practice of protectionist regulations, which include technical barriers to trade, application of sanitary and phytosanitary standards. Conclusions. The study concluded that the need for protectionist instruments by developing countries including the country’s post-Soviet space, to achieve economic and social goals. In Ukraine, the protectionist tools are used primarily to achieve the traditional goals of protecting domestic producers and tariff regulation is carried out in accordance with WTO agreements, which gradually draws restrictions and support to certain limits: quantitative, time-bound and objectives. It thus minimizes the negative effects of protectionism in the development of national economies, global trade and consumer welfare of the global economy.
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