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Kozin M. N. Optimizing of Selection of Public Procurement Vendor Based on the Risk Management Methodology. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 2, pp. 192-196. DOI:
Optimizing of Selection of Public Procurement Vendor Based on the Risk Management Methodology
Introduction. Under globalization, the current international political and economic relations, the Russian Federation is changing to a new state policy in the field of system modernization of public procurement. Theoretical analysis. The development of predominantly market-based mechanisms of regulation, liberalization of the economy along with degradation of the regulatory role of state governance structures lead to increased risks in public procurement. Individual problems and contradictions in the system of public procurement are due to the lack of proper methodological apparatus to estimate the effect of risk. Methods. As a result of our optimization statement of the problem of selection of an executor of public orders, an algorithm and a system of mathematical models of choice of potential suppliers considering the collective evaluation of the risk category are proposed. A distinctive feature of the proposed method is the use of techniques to allow for maximum relations among the basic elements in a risky situation (alternatives, the probability of achieving the result desired, uncertainty, the possibility of deviation from the intended purpose). Results. The proposed approach makes the necessary prerequisites for the establishment of effective barriers for fraud and incompetent agents to enter the system of public procurement, both as suppliers and customers, through our selection mechanisms developed. Conclusion. The future direction of development of the methodology seems to justify the qualification requirements for suppliers, including the availability of necessary professional and technical qualifications, financial resources, equipment, labor and other material resources for the execution of contracts, work experience.
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