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Велиева Д. С. Right for Respect of Private Life: International Realization and Protection Standards. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 2, pp. 443-448. DOI:

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Right for Respect of Private Life: International Realization and Protection Standards

Introduction. One of the major human rights and the citizen, guaranteed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and fundamental international legal acts the right for respect of private life is. Theoretical analysis. In article the content of the right for respect of private life is considered. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation of the right and freedom of the person and the citizen admit and guaranteed according to the conventional principles and norms of international law. In this regard the author analyzes this right proceeding from sense which is given it by the international legal acts and interstate bodies (mainly the European Court of Human Rights). Results. Proceeding from the carried-out analysis the author allocates a complex of the rights, freedoms and separate competences which make essence of a constitutional law on personal privacy.


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