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Дерунова Е. А. The Question of How Endogenous Growth Conditions and Criteria Modernization. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2014, vol. 14, iss. 3, pp. 519-523. DOI:

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The Question of How Endogenous Growth Conditions and Criteria Modernization

Introduction. Food security in Russia, increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy on the world market is now becoming a driver of economic growth. Theoretical analysis. The article analyzes the theories of economic growth. Formulated conditions, factors and assumptions of technological modernization of the economy. The principles of the impact on ekonomiku- 5I. Discussion of results. In the framework of the theory of endogenous growth models and existing approaches are organized into groups. It is proved that the optimal point for Russian economic growth is the high-tech sector, who is at the stage of innovation development. Along with the existing traditional factors endogenous growth presents modern factors such as level of education, capital productivity, efficiency innovation, social development, inter- national trade, innovative management approaches. Based on the statistics of the World Bank formulated trends of the United States, Japan, Germany, Britain, France, and Russia, Brazil, Nigeria. Proved the impact of investment in science in developed countries and in countries with an average level of intellectual capital on economic growth.


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