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Golubnichenko M. V. The Role of National Research Universities in Innovative Development of Regions. Izv. Saratov Univ., Economics. Management. Law, 2013, vol. 13, iss. 3, pp. 321-326. DOI:

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The Role of National Research Universities in Innovative Development of Regions

Innovative development of regions is caused by effective cooperation between state authorities, business, science, which helps to improve the conditions for innovations, and form a regional triple helix. A significant role in the innovation development of the regions is entrusted to the national research Universities, which carry out training of highly skilled personnel and conduct fundamental and applied scientific research. Theoretical analysis. The article determines the characteristic features of regional innovative development and its basis, that is the creation of a new institutional form of scientific and educational activities – a national research University. The hallmarks of the national research Universities are highlighted and actual problems of their development are defined. Results. The proposals, given by the author as the results of the investigation, are the following: to strengthen research work at the Universities; to create conditions for the investigation of teachers, graduate students and students activity, including formation of support centers for academic publications; to develop the infrastructure of innovation activity within national research Universities with the help of a database according to developed technologies; to create the expert-analytical departments and laboratories for quality improvement of research work. Conclusion. Increasing of cooperation between universities, state authorities and business, development of research activity of the universities, training of the teaching staff and students promote regional innovative development.

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