
The Directions of Market Power Expansion in Modern Economy

This article is devoted to the analysis of market authority expansion in modern economy. The article examines the processes of innovative diversification, reasons, forms, the special features of their demonstration on the modern stage of economic development, analyzing the integrative business relations in modern economy

The Development of the Integration of Education, Science and Industry in the Form of Technology Transfer on Modern Phase of the Innovation Cycle of the Russian Economy

The article considers the development of the integration of education, science and industry in the form of direct and indirect mechanisms of technology transfer. The comparative analysis of such terms as «technology transfer», «technology commercialization», «innovation diffusion», «spillover of innovation». The article gives accent to the aspects and problems of technology transfer in the Russian economy.

Development of Innovative Business and its Clustering in the Conditions of Globalization

Introduction. Modern economy in the context of growing globalization needs in forming effective innovative mechanisms and functional models of innovation development. Theoretical analysis. Globalization as a process covering all areas of social development has a strong influence on innovation policy, until its strategic aims, directions and mechanisms of implementation. One of the challenges of globalization becomes an innovative development of States. Appear firm fully focused on innovation, in particular the role of flagship of the innovative development of TNC and major national business structures. With regard to aspects of regional innovation development, the most important trend here is the clustering of production systems. The purpose of the article is to identify the main trends of innovation development in the context of increasing globalization, and on the other hand to analyse the peculiarities of regional specifics innovatizacii. Results. It is revealed, that in modern conditions of globalization processes more complex. It has been established that innovative economy increasingly penetrates into national economic systems and distributed to a growing number of countries, both developed and developing. Researched critical factors of the innovation economy. Proved the need for convergence between business and Government to better utilize all the benefits of globalization and innovatizacii of the economy. The role of TNCs and other business structures as the “locomotive” of innovation and economic development. Lists the main trends in the development of models of innovation policy. Give special attention to the clustering processes, which play an important role in promoting regional economic integration.


Введение. Социально-экономическое развитие общества обусловлено взаимосвязью экономической и образовательной составляющих национальных систем, которые опре- деляют условия накопления интеллектуального потенциала стран. Устойчивое и посту- пательное развитие стран во многом определяется состоянием системы образования. Теоретический анализ. Государственные расходы на образование способствуют эко- номическому росту страны за счет развития человеческого капитала. Потенциальные выгоды образования можно разделить на экономические и социальные, общественные и частные. Эмпирический анализ. В странах ЕАЭС уровень государственных расходов на образование существенно дифференцирован как в абсолютных, так и в относительных показателях. Отмечается положительная корреляция между уровнем расходов на образо- вание и индексом уровня образования в государствах-членах ЕАЭС. Результаты. Значи- тельная дифференциация показателей расходов на образование в странах Союза приво- дит к необходимости учета при оценке эффективности расходов на образование не только доли расходов от ВВП и от консолидированного бюджета, а также абсолютных значений расходов, но и ряда других факторов: численность и доля обучающихся, охват молодежи программами среднего профессионального и высшего профессионального образова- ния, количество образовательных учреждений среднего и высшего профессионального образования, коэффициент выпуска специалистов, уровень грамотности и проч.


Введение. Масштаб и сложность управления национальными инновационными системами смещают интерес к региональным системам, а интеграционные процессы выводят экономику ре- гионов за государственные границы на международный уровень, в связи с этим актуально изучение процессов развития инновационной системы в условиях интеграции на основе кластерного подхода. Теоретический анализ. Проанализирован опыт формирования центров кластерного развития инноваци- онных систем, предложена интерпретация инновационной си- стемы в условиях интеграции. Указывается, что целью со здания координационного центра кластерного развития должно яв- ляться объединение усилий муниципальных органов управле- ния, предприятий научно-технической и образовательной сфер, предпринимательского сектора в интересах более быстрого применения достижений науки и технологий для реализации стратегических направлений становления определенной территории и выхода экономики на путь инновационного подъема. Эмпирический анализ. Реализация региональной кластер- ной политики возможна при создании организации развития территориальных кластеров в виде координационного центра кластерного развития инновационной деятельности, функции которого проанализированы в статье. Выводы. Для иннова- ционного совершенствования стран-участниц интеграционных объединений необходимо формировать инновационную систе- му, способную обеспечить условия, способствующие созданию прогрессивного технологического уклада и инновационной среды. Определены основные направления кластерного раз- вития в условиях интеграции и кластерная инфраструктура. В качестве основы функционирования инновационной системы в условиях интеграции предложен координационный центр кла- стерного развития инновационной деятельности, определены его функции, задачи, организационная структура. 

The Relationship and Interdependence of Convergence and Integration in the Economy

Introduction. The trend of globalization of the modern economy leads to the increasing relevance of convergence and integration, the relationship and interaction which do not cause doubts. Theoretical analysis. The article discusses the integration and convergence as processes of interaction between homogeneous or heterogeneous elements of different economic systems, which are closely interwoven with each other. Discusses the question of the primacy of processes of integration and convergence. The article presents economic entities of convergent and integration processes, and the levels of their development. Results. Convergence is very similar integration. Their similarity is determined by several aspects, firstly, they are conditioned by the international division of labour, secondly, they represent a form of conjugation of the interests and efforts of business entities in resolving various problems, and third, they represent a homogeneous or heterogeneous interaction of both processes. Ddialectic relationship between convergence and integration is not limited to direct connection «basis – superstructure». The author argues that convergence may act as a necessary condition for integration and its result. Also observed the emergence of new interactive elements of economic convergence and integration at the modern stage of economic development, which are innovative entrepreneurs.

Formation and Development of Innovative Systems of the EAEC Clustering Based Economy

Introduction. In modern conditions, determine the dynamics of innovation for economic growth and the place that occupied the country and the various unions in the global community. On the implementation of tasks to ensure the technical and technological modernization of the economies of the Eurasian Economic Union directed the formation of innovative systems based on the cluster approach.

Theoretical analysis. The cluster approach allows the use of the capacities of all countries-participants of the Eurasian Economic Union in the innovation process and the translation of their economies on the path of innovative development.

Discussion of results. The required level of interaction between members of the cluster can be achieved through the organization able to generate, transmit and coordinate innovation across the designated areas. As an organization at supranational level are encouraged to use high technology center and at the meso level is necessary to create a structure that will work with the high-tech center. With regard to the infrastructure of the Saratov region such as the organization proposed the establishment in the form of a municipal enterprise under the administration of the city of regional technological Chamber, which will promote the development of innovation systems of the countriesparticipants of the Eurasian Economic Union.

Key Strategies for Retail Chains Today

Introduction. At present, the functioning of the Russian trade networks that implement food products, significantly complicated by the negative impact of the food embargo, inflation and the weake- ning of the ruble. Changing environmental factors and increased competition in the food market have a significant impact on the previously established logistics system of goods retail chains, which will require substantial transformation. Empirical analysis. The article discusses possible strategies for the development of retail chains and features of management at this stage in order to overcome the situation. In the coming years, large retail chains will reduce costs by optimizing the assortment and logistics, actively cooperate with new suppliers, to develop the format «shop at home» and «Express-Retail», continuing to open new stores at the free trade area, to develop their own production. For smaller retail chains most preferred strategy is to integrate. Results. Integration of small retail chains at the present stage is one of the most profitable strategies that will produce the transformation of logistics systems and supply chains in order to optimize them according to the selected format and minimizing costs, reorganize infrastructure and retail outlets, adjust range retail outlets, significantly reduce the proportion of imported products, they find an alternative replacement and rebuild relationships with suppliers and reduce the cost of managing a sales network due to its centralization.