
Structure of Financing of Innovative Activity of the Enterprises of the Food-processing Industry in the Volgograd Region

In article the structure of financing of the enterprises of the foodprocessing industry in the Volgograd region is discussed. According to the author of article, existence of the uniform mechanism of financing of innovative activity of the enterprises of the food-processing industry creates advantages of their sustainable development on the basis of maintenance of efficiency of functioning of the mechanism of management with financing of innovative activity and consists in consecutive working out of philosophy, ideology, and also tactics and strategy of financing of innovative activity of the enterprise.

Problems of Formation and Realization of Financial Policy in Russia

The article is devoted to research of problems of formation of financial policy in the conditions of world crisis, and also features of its realization in the Russian Federation as most important factor of stabilization of economy.

Statistical Research of Bank Crediting as Source of Investment of Rural Producers

Introduction. The relevance of this research is caused by: i) the need to increase the role of bank crediting in the development of investment processes in the agro-industrial complex, ii) the necessity to build a system of crediting of agricultural producers on the basis of analysis of the differentiation of territorial-administrative formations in the region by agricultural production efficiency; iii) the lack of any comprehensive statistical research of the problems of bank crediting of agricultural producers. Objectives: statistical estimation of the volume, dynamics, structure of crediting of administrative-territorial formations in the region by the SberBank of the Russian Federation; ii) statistical analysis of the factors affecting the volume of crediting and the quality of borrowers (their liquidity and probabilistic risk assessment); iii) the formation of a purpose structure in the crediting client search system. Results. In the study, some statistical regularities of the crediting dynamics of the Russian Federation SberBank regarding the manufacturers of various types of agricultural products have been revealed and a quantitative assessment of these regularities is provided on the basis of our sample survey of the credits given in the Orenburg region. The scientific novelty of the statistical study of rural producer crediting as a most important source of investments is in the suggested algorithm of decision-making on crediting in the conditions of both external and internal uncertainties of getting products; a probabilistic assessment and forecasting of the liquidity of a crediting object; a purpose tree required for a client search control system of bank crediting. Conclusion. Application of statistical methods in the evaluation of the quality of borrowers is a promising direction of searching for effective investment ways for rural producers.

Strategies to Improve the State Russian Investment Policy

The process of interaction between economic entities of the national investment system at any level takes place in the context of economic instability, which involves improving the regulation of the state investment policy. Theoretical analysis. Theoretical analysis on the basis of summarizing the existing theoretical research on investment and state regulation of investment policy article the measures to strengthen the investment is recognized principles of formation and implementation of federal target programs coming years in order to ensure the rational and efficient use of public investment, suggests priorities of state investment. Discussion of results. The result of the study is to identify the most relevant and significant for the modern Russian economy’s strategic directions to improve the State’s investment policy.

Problems and Perspectives of Innovative-technological Development of the Food Industry of Ukraine

The economical growth of any country is directly related to innovation and technological development of those of its branches which have significant potential for improving the competitiveness of the national economy. In conditions of growing food crisis in many countries around the world, the importance of consideration of the possibilities for the production of high-quality food to those countries which possess the necessary capacity for this. Theoretical analysis. Analysis of the reasons hampering innovation activity of food industry enterprises in Ukraine has shown that the most powerful reasons are: lack of adequate financial resources for the implementation of innovative projects, innovative high costs of technical and technological equipment and highly qualified staff wages, the lack of a guaranteed quick return on these costs. Results. The food industry is a strategic sector for the economy of Ukraine. However, the analysis showed that it still has not been able to go to the innovative development. Proof of this are the high rates of wear and tear means of labor, a low percentage of enterprises with innovative characteristics, low level of introduction resource-saving technologies, difficulties in attracting scientific and human resources, search for new ideas. The country’s economy, and in particular its food industry needs to find sources of financing of innovative projects, settlement mechanisms for the use of credit resources, the implementation of an effective system of tax exemptions. Effective lever of accelerating scientific and technological progress in this field may be the use of the experience of developed countries on strengthening the state’s role in the innovation process. Conclusion. Food industry of Ukraine is well positioned to enhance the role of Ukraine among food producers in the world. Priority task at this stage is to intensify innovation and the transition to a higher level of technology.

Finance for the Social State

The article presents the research results of the roundtable participants of the Moscow international economic forum, held on 20-21 March in Moscow state University. Theoretical analysis. On the basis of empirical data are investigated sources of financing of the social sphere from the three major macroeconomic actors: States, firms, households have Shown the possibilities and restrictions of financing of the welfare state in the Russian economy. Methods: a systemic approach to the analysis of problems, applied methods of statistical analysis, a GUI method, analysis and synthesis. Results. Development of the social state in Russia requires the expansion of multi-channel financing of the social sphere on the basis of consolidation of all civil society structures. Of the state: the inconsistency of budgetary and socio-economic policy of the state is manifested in the reduction of social spending (budget 2013–2015) that contradict the objectives of development of the country. On the business side: the absence of effective incentives for the development of public-private partnerships and the development of CSR. By the households: investment opportunities are limited by the shortage of financial resources the majority of the population, the Lack of funding, inefficient use of financial resources of the social sphere, become a factor impeding social and innovative development of Russia.

The state role in the investments development in Russia’s digital economy

Introduction. The current stage of development is characterized by widespread digitalization of almost all economy spheres. One of the key areas for the developing digital economy in the Russian Federation is investments and investment relations. The state supports and develops the investments in data-driven formation of the digital economy. The article examines some of the subjects of the country’s influence on the mechanisms for expanding the innovation investment sphere, regarding local development specifics. Theoretical analysis. There are two categories for considering government influence on investments in the digital economy – the investment climate and the country’s investment policy. The key part of the research process is a set of economic, sociological and statistical methods, as well as applied scientific analysis in digitalization field of public institutions, institutional investment and investment relations as part of the economic system. Empirical analysis. Analyzed topical aspects of state role on the investments development in a rapidly changing environment, divided them into six fundamental categories. The process is presented in the forms of activating the legislative process and the testing of regulatory “sandboxes”. The article describes the caution of the Russian Federation in choosing a supported investment industry, its type and accompanying regulatory legal acts. Results. The research shows the development aspects description chosen by the state to support investment in digital economy conditions and a fact analysis of the state methods of influence on investment relations in the context of global and country economy digitalization.

To the Question of the Interrelation of the Monetary Factors of Investment Demand and Efficiency of the Economy

Introduction. The shocks that occurred in 2014 in the country’s financial markets, which gave rise to the current crisis, led to an understanding of the decisive role of financial sector behavior in determining economic dynamics. Economic policy, long held in our country, only nominally having the right strategic goals, caused stagnation at the expense of the means by which it was implemented. The chosen model led to the collapse of production, a decrease in the efficiency of the economy, significant economic losses and additional expenses of the state to mitigate the negative consequences of economic dynamics. Theoretical analysis. The research methodology is based on the principles of system analysis. Empirical analysis. During the research, statistical, correlation and factor analysis were used; empirical-theoretical, comparative, research methods, the method of synthesis of theoretical and practical material. Results. The study confirms that in order to ensure the sustainable development of investment relations, monetary stimulation of investment demand and the formation of an effective state economic policy to stimulate investment are necessary.


Введение. Теоретически и практически важно изучение взаимодействия отношений собственности и инвестирования, поскольку от этого зависит реальная эффективность развития экономики России. В статье рассматриваются несколько видов механизмов взаимодействия собственности и инвестиций. Теоретический анализ. Механизмы взаимодействия собственности и инвестиций существуют в различных видах и фор- мах, что обусловливает необходимость их изучения в рамках экономической теории. Также важно при изучении механизмов взаимодействия собственности и инвестиций использовать в теории проблему инновационного времени. Инновационный механизм взаимодействия собственности и инвестиций может сформироваться только тогда, ког- да инновационное время станет мерилом успеха страны в целом. Наличие множества экономических механизмов взаимодействия собственности и инвестиций позволяет относиться избирательно к их применению, находить критерии эффективности приме- нения таких механизмов с учетом реальной хозяйственной деятельности в различных регионах. Обсуждение результатов. В современной России особое значение име- ет инновационный механизм взаимодействия собственности и инвестиций. При этом у данного механизма имеются серьезные препятствия в реализации как со стороны адми- нистративных барьеров (в виде коррупции), так и обусловленные неравномерностью ин- вестиционной привлекательности в регионах. Управление регионом практически важно для реализации этого механизма взаимодействия и решения этих проблем. Выводы. Совокупность механизмов взаимодействия собственности и инвестиций в современной России становится реальностью при успешной реализации социального и экономиче- ского механизма такого взаимодействия. Для позитивного взаимодействия собственно- сти и инвестиций чрезвычайно важны социально-экономические интеграторы, которые позволяют объединять их в единое целое.

Century of Mobilization Development of the Russian Economy

Introduction. Researched sustainable secular trend of mobilization development of the Russian economy since the beginning of the First World War in 1914. Theoretical analysis. Outlines the main theoretical and methodological assumptions put forward scientific hypotheses: the mobilization of the economy as a result of government entrepreneurship, limiting the share of consumption and increase the share of savings in the structure of gross product of the country. Dynamics of the statistical indicators of the mobilization of the Russian economy – a share of consumption and accumulating in the national income, a share of consumption and a saving in gross domestic product – on chronologically consecutive historical intervals is analyzed. Results. Consecutive alternation within century of three models of the Russian economy speaks: the military mobilization, investment mobilization and rent-mobilization. It is proved that the trajectory of mobilization development of the economy of Russia/ USSR was caused by its semi-peripheral status in the international division of labor, and the vector of government entrepreneurship was determined by the intention of the ruling power to enter the group of advanced countries. Conclusions. The estimation of rent-mobilization model of the modern economy of Russia as the abnormal condition typical for the peripheral countries is given.
