
Problems of implementation of anti-corruption standards in relation to persons holding public offi ce: Constitutional and legal aspect

Introduction. The article analyzes examples of procedures related to the implementation of anti-corruption standards, taking into account the specifi cs of offi cial relations, their administrative and intra-organizational nature. Theoretical analysis. The author reveals the problems of implementing anti-corruption standards. It is noted that in most cases the offi cial legislation provides that the conclusions drawn from the results of all inspections are not binding. The fi nal decision in relation to civil servants is made by the employer’s representative; the decision with regard to persons holding public positions is taken by the President of the Russian Federation; at the regional level, the heads of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercise control over compliance with anti-corruption standards. Empirical analysis. Currently, there is no specialized state anti-corruption body in the Russian Federation, but the need to create one is provided for by the UN Convention against Corruption. Results. The article concludes that the procedures for implementing anti-corruption standards in relation to persons holding public positions in the Russian Federation, as well as in relation to state and municipal employees, are essentially “internal” in nature. The constitutional and legal status of persons holding public offi ce requires monitoring their compliance with anti-corruption standards with the participation of various branches of government. To this end, a specialized anti-corruption body should be formed at the federal level in the Russian Federation, which may become an Interdepartmental Commission on Anti-Corruption.

Development of Monitoring Tools of Quality of Education for the Third Age

Introduction. The development of educational programs for the third age allows increasing social activity of older people, improving their psycho-physiological condition, increasing physical activity, as well as the level of education for their integration into modern society. Considering that the contingent of students in the education centers of the third age has a rich experience of life, and age-specific changes in health status, it is important to organize a high level of quality of education, select teaching staff in order to implement the educational process. Development of tools for monitoring the quality of educationfor the third age will solve this problem.

Methods. Monitoring the quality of education traditionally is based on the process approach. Its characteristic is the of planning parameters and indicators of processes, availability of resources, the implementation of measures to achieve the planned monitoring and measurement of processes, and analysis of processes for efficiency. Instrumentation for monitoring the quality of the organization of training includes three components: first, an array of background information, formed by a set of current forms of operational and statistical observation; second, the methodology for calculating and summarizing monitoring indicators; third, the analysis methodology for set of indicators to assess the quality of education.

Results. The result of the study is a system of indicators of the quality of education for the third age (at the Training Center of Samara State Technical University for Third Age), which is built in a hierarchical manner, reflecting the quality of education in the context of the individual subsystems. As the top-level of hierarchy appears comprehensive consolidated indicator.

Control of Passengers in Commuter Train: the Intensity and Interest Coverage

Solving the problem of building cash activity on
commuter trains, which will provide a high level of coverage of
passengers on all trains route, can be considered from the point of
view of productivity of supervisors. Passengers trains represent the
requirements for service on the part of supervisors. They come in a
railroad train at stops and leave the train, serving their supervisors
or not. This process is convenient to describe position of queueing
theory. Theoretical analysis. Discusses achieving full payment
for the carriage of passengers, with different levels of coverage. An
analysis on suburban passenger rail, cash flows pay their passage,and monitoring to ensure the collection of tolls from the stowaways.
Results. Accepted passengers not uniform along the length of the
route. The vast majority of passengers should be on small distances
and mainly around major stations, generating and absorbing the
flows of passengers. Time to move trains on this site not long lasting.
Ensuring continuous monitoring of passengers transported in
commuter trains may subject local tactics maneuvering strength
of controlling group focus on filling the carriages and the intensity
of the rotation process passengers.


Решение задачи построения контрольно-кассовой деятельности на пригородных поездах, которая обеспечит высокий уровень охвата пассажиров на всем маршруте движения поезда, можно рассмотреть с точки зрения производительности труда контролеров. Пассажиры электропоезда представляют собой требования на обслуживание со стороны контролеров. Они поступают в вагоны поезда на остановках и покидают поезд независимо от того, обслужили их контролеры или нет. Этот процесс удобно описать с позиции теории массового обслуживания. Теоретический анализ. Обсуждается вопрос достижения полной платы за перевозку пассажиров при разных уровнях охвата их контролем. Приводится анализ пассажиропотоков на пригородных железнодорожных перевозках, денежных потоков оплаты проезда и контроля для обеспечения сбора платы за проезд с безбилетных пассажиров. Результаты. Обслуживаемый пассажиропоток неравномерен по длине маршрута. Подавляющая часть пассажиров следует на небольшие расстояния и в основном в окрестностях крупных станций, генерирующих и поглощающих потоки пассажиров. Время продвижения поезда по этому участку непродолжительно. Обеспечение сплошного контроля пассажиров пригородных поездов возможно при условии применения локальной тактики маневрирования численностью контролирующей группы, которая сориентирована на наполнение вагонов и на интенсивность процесса ротации пассажиров.