project management

Methodological Foundations Forming a Corporate System for Managing High-Tech Projects in the Field of R&D

Introduction. Given the globalization of the economy and innovative challenges, economic growth and competitiveness of Russian industrial companies can only be achieved through their innovative development. High-tech companies in Russia are faced with problems of improving the efficiency of project management in the field of R&D, due to the need to review management tools and introduce project and portfolio management technologies, as well as the formation of a full-fledged corporate project management system and a portfolio of R&D projects taking into account the specifics of this sphere. Theoretical analysis. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study was the works of Russian and foreign researchers in the field of management theory, project and portfolio management, innovative and strategic management. The features of a high-tech project are identified, the types of projects in the field of R&D and their characteristics that affect the requirements for the project management system are considered. An analysis of existing approaches to the formation of a corporate system for managing high-tech projects showed a low level of elaboration of the issue under study. Empirical analysis. The main research method was the analysis of differences in the formation of classical project management systems and high-tech project management systems in the field of R&D. The requirements for a corporate project management system for various types of R&D projects are presented. Results. An algorithm has been developed for the formation of a corporate R&D project management system taking into account the identified specifics of projects. The results of the study can be used in the practical activities of high-tech companies in order to increase the effectiveness of project management in the field of R&D.

The Peculiarities of Project Management Methods Implementation in the Activities of Tax Authorities

Introduction. The introduction of project management practices in administrations of all levels is one of the key tasks that the state sets before the Executive authorities today. However, the functional structure of state bodies significantly limits the effectiveness of the project approach. There is a need to adapt the methods of corporate project management to the strictly regulated activities of state and local administrations and services. Theoretical analysis. In the last decade, the Federal Tax Service (FTS) of Russia has shown impressive results in the modernization and optimization of its activities based on the introduction of project management principles. However, the application of the project approach in the performance of functions and tasks of regional and local tax authorities has its own characteristics and limitations. Empirical analysis. The study concludes that the classical principles of project management will not be highly effective in the process activities of territorial tax officials due to the rigidity of the traditional approach to change. Results. In the conditions of high uncertainty and constant changes in the tax legislation in the territorial divisions of the Federal Tax Service, it is advisable to apply flexible methods of project management on the basis of the Agile family. Overcoming barriers to the adaptation of Agile technologies to the activities of tax administrations is possible by the improvement of the legal framework and the creation of a methodology for the implementation of project management in the tax authorities of the regional and local level.

Effective Project Finance System: Principles and Practices

Introduction. Russian economic acceleration, innovative and digital economy establishment and development requires an increase in investment challenged to high technology sectors. Successful achievement of this objective defines finding the investments attraction mechanism. One of them is the project finance, which is a modern investment instrument in high-risk environments. Increasing importance of project finance implies a more detailed exploration of its mechanism, application characters in current Russian conditions. Theoretical analysis. The content, signs and background to use project finance was analyzed. It was shown that project finance is the riskiest investments attraction model, which defines the creation and use of effective risk management system. Project finance advantages and disadvantages for its participants in comparison with the other investments attraction methods were found. Empirical analysis. Valuation, industrial and regional structure of global and Russian project finance markets were submitted, their main development trends were identified. Results. Project finance is a modern effective investments attraction model in high-risk environments. It was considered that its effectiveness largely depends on right purpose, its relationship with development strategy, project realization specificities accounting on various stages of project life cycle, project company activity, development finance institutions, government regulation methods. Main directions of project finance improvement in Russian economy based on development trends of global project finance market were revealed. It was shown that project finance mechanism should be applied for realization of not only investment projects, but innovative as well.

Project Management: Mathematical Models of Optimal Executors’ Appointment for Project Works

Introduction. The majorityof projects implemented in the world community exceeds in duration and cost limits indicated on the planning phase, so they are not successfully executed. In our opinion, the main reason for this situation is the complexity of the optimal selection and appointment of executors to perform main project work, coupled with the lack of consideration for a number of important factors. Theoretical analysis. Theory and practice of project management and operations research proposed a number of optimization models for drafting work schedules taking into account their interrelationships, as well as the necessary resources. These models are usually referred to a class of extremely NP-hard, which explains some difficulties for their effective implementation into practice. Methodology. The basic problem of optimal selection and executors’ appointment for project work, which takes into account the topology of the network schedule, as well as the optimization criterion serving the duration of the project is researched. In researched model the limits on the total cost of all the work for the project are set, and it is determined that only one executor is involved for each job, which, if necessary, is able to perform a number of tasks. Results. During the research more significant limitations, which are implemented in the model and can significantly expand the scope and improve the efficiency of its use in practice, were developed by authors. The article provides a detailed description of the meaningful data limitations, as well as their correct formalization.