стратегическое управление

The infl uence of Covid-19 on small and medium sized enterprises’ managerial activities in Nigeria: A qualitative impact assessment

Introduction. The influence of Covid-19 is yet to be measured across many economies of the world, as many countries are still grappling with the eff ects of diff erent variants of the virus within its economy. However, within Nigeria, life is mostly returning back to normal with all restrictions removed and businesses seeking to get back to pre-pandemic activity levels. Theoretical analysis. Researchers within the business sector in Nigeria have now begun conducting an impact assessment of the pandemic on businesses that were active during the pandemic, in order to understand how these fi rms’ attained resilience, the problems they faced and how the lessons learned can be curated for management consulting. Methodology.The paper refl ected a qualitative enquiry into the impact of Covid-19 on selected small businesses in the business and fi nancial hub of Nigeria. Using data obtained from ten businesses and fi ve business experts in Lagos, Nigeria, this paper outlined the key themes of how the pandemic impacted the business of small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in Nigeria. The study adopted a qualitative, semi-structured interview tool for data collection, convenience sampling and thematic analysis as the approach to data analysis. The data was presented across themes and using fi gures/tables. Results. The paper presented three main themes of impact within these small businesses, namely structural, strategic and fi nancial impacts. These three themes form the main areas where the businesses were aff ected and the paper explores the themes on a macro and micro level, presenting both the positive and negative impact that the pandemic had on businesses. The results cover small businesses in Nigeria mainly, but the fi ndings can be applied to other contexts within Africa or developing nations with similar political and economic environments such as Nigeria. The study found that fi nancial impact was the most critical and common issue presented by small businesses to have aff ected their businesses, especially the issues of income loss and HR related costs. Under the structural impact, business closures due to lockdowns were a prominent issue that arose, with the closure impacting fi rms selling physical products and tourism-focused businesses mostly. Logistical issues were also a critical structural challenge raised, with the impact of reverse logistics being something that negatively impacted a lot of businesses. Сonclusion. It was mentioned in terms of strategic impacts, the lack of government support in terms of policy was a critical issue highlighted amidst a myriad of learning points that will be crucial for future policy and strategizing for SMEs.

Elements of Fright Transport CompanyResource Strategy’s Methodology

There area lot of strategic planning science papers focused on the strategy development; each of ones has its own specific form. However, the enterprise’ resource strategy is often neglected, that causes a lack of methodology aspects elaboration and implementation. Meanwhile, the resource-based view, which is one of the areas of firm strategic theory, founded on the assumption that the enterprise resources are the basis of its competitiveness and provide a high market rate, increasing the interest to the resource strategy. The paper attempts to fill this gap, by formation the methodology basic elements. Methods. Strategy’s methodology adopted in strategic management theory includes such basic elements as: a description of strategy theory base, its characteristics (principles), logical and temporal structures, and technology (tools) of creating. The resource strategy, as any other ones, also has all of structural elements, however differ in their specific features. That allows to elicit resources strategy as an allocate plan in the enterprise’ strategic planning system. Results. The results of the developed by the authors methodology for the resource strategy of the freight transport enterprise is the offering of integration-and-priority approach. Its conceptual framework focuses on the resource strategy dominant position in the enterprise strategic plans and on-line association the enterprises, acting on the transportation market, in the union information database for strategic resources identification and making core competencies.


Введение. Процесс определения состава стратегических ре- сурсов привлекает большое внимание современных исследова- телей теоретических и практических вопросов стратегического управления. Его важность обусловлена способностью обеспе- чивать развитие ключевых компетенций предприятий и под- держивать достигнутый уровень конкурентоспособности. Рынок автотранспортных услуг в современных условиях отличают осо- бенности функционирования, влияющие не только на то, какие ресурсы являются для предприятия стратегическими, но и на методологию их идентификации. Теоретический анализ. Методология идентификации стратегических ресурсов основа- на на определении конкурентных преимуществ предприятия и его ключевых компетенций при использовании многофакторно- го сравнительного анализа. В этом вопросе большое значение имеет положение, занимаемое предприятием на рынке, обу- словленное его комплексным потенциалом, или совокупностью ресурсов, определяемым с помощью интегральной оценки, и конкурентным рейтингом, подтверждаемым бенчмаркингом. Эмпирический анализ. В статье представлено описание основных этапов процесса определения стратегических ресур- сов грузовых автотранспортных предприятий как структурного элемента ресурсной стратегии с позиций интеграционно-при- оритетного подхода. Обоснована необходимость применения региональной информационной системы, гарантирующей объ- ективность получаемых результатов. Результаты. Результа- том разработанной автором методологии идентификации стра- тегических ресурсов грузового автотранспортного предприятия является предложение для практического применения техноло- гического инструментария, позволяющего после прохождения всех перечисленных в методологии этапов определить в соста- ве ресурсов предприятия те из них, развитие и использование которых необходимы для успешной работы на рынке и удержа- ния конкурентных позиций. 


Введение. Каждое высшее учебное заведение имеет свои особенности, которые отражаются в специфике управления им, представляется маловероятным выделить некие каноны стра- тегического управления в сфере высшего образования. В дан- ной работе ставится цель определить общее видение структуры стратегического управления высшими учебными заведениями с учётом разработанных ранее концепций. Теоретический анализ. Формирование глобальной сети обмена, преобра- зования и распространения информации привело к обостре- нию диалектического противоречия в паре «образовательный процесс – процесс научно-исследовательской деятельности» высших учебных заведений. Результаты. Предложенная структурная модель позволяет использовать одновременно различные концептуальные подходы к формированию страте- гий для различных сфер деятельности высшего учебного заве- дения. Формирование стратегии высшего учебного заведения должно учитывать сложность и многоплановость данных орга- низаций, а также диалектическое противоречие между такими основными направлениями деятельности высшего учебного за- ведения, как образовательный процесс и научная деятельность, отражаясь в использовании всей палитры подходов к формиро- ванию стратегий.

The System of Strategic Management of Innovation Development of the Furniture Enterprises

Introduction. Some theoretical studies and best practices proven that the effectiveness of innovative development of industrial enterprises (including furniture) largely depends on how the management of such development is synthesized with the strategic management, it inter- acts with the system. This is due to the fact that in modern conditions first of all innovations must determine the strategic direction of the company. Theoretical analysis. To the present time in a number of studies have shown the mechanism for the integration of innovation and strategic management, describes the innovative strategies of enterprises, their relationship with other strategies described elements of the system of management of innovative development and the associated control mechanism. A Systematic approach to the management of innovative development of the enterprise, which is one of the key involves including the establishment of an integrated management system that includes both strategic and operational circuits, and based on the methodology of management of innovative development. Results. In the study made some contribution to the formation of a comprehensive scientific understanding of the system of management of innovative development of the company the furniture industry. The developed approach allows us to systematically organize the strategic management of innovative development of industrial enterprises.